I guess I’d better get used to barely eating anything 🙄

@marepagef Wow!! Okay. Going to be a while before I’m maintaining, but curiosity made me wonder what it would look like. Looking forward to reverse dieting 🤣
@nuke11 Exercise. Building muscle increases your BMR; and exercise in general increases your TDEE. the only way your maintenance will be 1400 calories is if you are extremely sedentary, which is not effective for weight loss or maintenance, and is awful for overall health.

Edited to add: I’m 4’11. My TDEE is between 2000-2200 calories with a desk job.
@rodneys Wow okay. I do workout but I have a desk job too and on another sub a bunch of people told me I should use sedentary when calculating TDEE.
@nuke11 That advice is typically for taller people who are obese. Unfortunately, most standard fitness advice isn’t applicable to smaller women. Although honestly, I absolutely hate that people tell other people to calculate their TDEE at sedentary when they’re not. That just makes no sense.

For fat loss, you need between 300 and 500 cal under your total daily energy expenditure. This includes the calories that you expend with exercise and with just moving throughout the day. Most petite women do fine with a deficit of 300 cal under their total daily energy expenditure. A larger deficit again is for people who aren’t as small.

Edited to add: You also definitely should never calculate your total daily energy expenditure for maintenance based on being sedentary if you’re not.
@nuke11 The sedentary advice is something a lot of us end up having to break out of (and to be frank, you can find a lot of people commiserating about how toxic it was in anti-ED spaces). If you look on this and other subs, people’s definition of sedentary seems to be anything less than spending 12 hours a day roping cattle. They’ll tell you most people tend to over estimate their activity level, but that doesn’t really apply to you if you’re getting steps and working out. You just calculate your tdee, and subtract the 250-500 hundred from whatever activity level you are.
There’s a lot of people who also have chronically dieted, and they’ll tell you they maintain at like 1300. Those people likely have metabolic adaptation from chronic undereating. Natacha Ocean’s advice of “minimum dosage” for weight loss, ie choosing a small deficit over a longer time is great for sustainability and avoiding nutrient deficiencies. It also gives you a place to lower calories as you become lighter, rather than starting out with a large deficit.
@nuke11 Are you looking to lose weight or lose size?

I started lifting last year and my weight shot up, but my clothing size stayed the same or got smaller. Initially I was trying to just lose weight thinking that lighter was better and you're right, 1400 calories a day was miserable. Now my trainer is trying to get me to eat 2000 calories a day!
@nuke11 Reverse diet! You may gain a few pounds in the beginning but once your body adapts to a higher calorie amount you will feel so much better your weight won’t keep going up and if you try losing weight will be easier!
@nuke11 Yes!!! I feel you. I was eating 1400and very active and I didn’t start losing weight until I went to 1200.. so crazy!! But good luck to you and well us.. we got this!! I’m also 5’2!

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