I have my goals changing consistently and I don’t know where I want to go with my health journey

@zoba Makes sense if I wasn’t enjoying fitness so much now I wouldn’t want to do more. I also don’t want to burn out. You may be right 5 months is not enough time and I honestly wasn’t expecting to be where I am at physically at 5 months but I have gotten the taste for progress and just want more and more.
@snoober I agree, I’m going to see where I am at around the 240-250 mark and see. My weight just bulks up on my gut and I am fairly lean everywhere else so I might just feel great when I don’t see it bulging out anymore.
@vivekanandshastri That’s where most of us men have the problem. That is the visceral fat that’s around your organs. Only way to get rid of visceral fat is nutrition. In my case, I cut out red meat and processed foods and increased my protein intake.
@aaronmark I am gut heavy and lean everywhere else. Before my pants were at a 38 and now at a 36 probably. A 32-34 would be nice. I’m just concerned about my gut, I’m probably 40-42 inches.
@lovinjesus4ever This might be where I am lacking. I don’t understand the recovery process all too well. I’m also nervous let’s say reducing working out by a day due to not wanting to lose this rhythm and getting into bad habits.
@vivekanandshastri I'm not saying to reduce working out, I'm saying to add recovery work.

Easy places to start:

-Go on a 5-10 minute walk after your CF class and focus on your breathing, try and get your breathing and HR to slow down and get your body out of the "fight or flight" state that high intensity training can put it in.

-Buy a foam roller and spend 10 minutes foam rolling each night. Choose one or two areas to roll and look up how to do it most effectively. There are also some areas that are easier to hit with a lacrosse ball than a foam roller.

-Block out at least 8 hours of time in bed with the lights off and no phone.

-Eat fruits and veggies, drink enough water, get ~1g per lb BW of protein.

More time and effort:

-Go on a 20 minute walk in the middle of your day (especially if you work a desk job).

-Do a mobility routine (I love Limber 11 for the lower body, I don't have a good link for an upper body one, because mine one is from my PT when I injured my shoulder) at least 3 times a week.

-Block out an additional 30 minutes before lights off at night with no screens.

There are even further steps you can take, but they are not worth it unless your nutrition is completely dialed in and you are blocking out 9 hours to sleep every night. Those will have a much greater payoff than doing cold plunges or saunas, etc.
@vivekanandshastri I’m in my late 40’s. And let myself get to 280 during 4 years of Covid. Started CrossFit a year ago. Didn’t start losing weight until I started changing my eating habits. I’m down to 255-ish now.