2023 Open Goals - Met or Nah?

@thespeedboy My goal is to qualify for AGOQ (40-44m). I qualified in ‘21 but failed last year. Hurt last year because only three scores and I’m weaker in gymnastics heavy wods (I don’t butterfly and also can’t string together mu’s) so 22.3 wasn’t good. This years WODs have been much better for me and optimistic 23.3 will also be a good one (fingers crossed for lots of du’s). Currently sitting at 93% so pretty safe to move on baring a really bad 23.3. Since we’ve already had RMUs, t2b, and Burpee pull ups I suspect I’m safe.
@thespeedboy Haven’t been as consistent as I would have liked to be this year, but I became a father since last year’s open — my goal for this year was to just do the open. Love the challenge and the extra motivation a competitive atmosphere provides. PR’d my Cluster at 215! Looking forward to what a year of more focused effort will bring.
@thespeedboy My goal was to rx every workout. Then 23.1 and the 50 t2b in the midst of a brutal sinus infection blew that up. Did decent on 23.2 a/b with Rx and hoping to Rx this week?

I'm not posting to the leader boards. Just logging results in sugarwod if/when these come up in the future.
@thespeedboy Had over 2 minutes and hit only 2 MUs! Only hit a shitty thruster. Killed 23.2a, though. Just into 91st % for age. I have been 97th % twice before. Not my best, but I move up in age next year. 😀😀
@thespeedboy First year doing everything Rx and I’m generally a LOT fitter and stronger than previous Opens but I’ve been dreadfully sick and actually having shoulder surgery in a couple of weeks so I’ve done better than before but not as well as I would have liked overall
@thespeedboy My third open and while I've improved massively, I'm severely disappointed with how much further down the leaderboard I am in relation to last year. My thruster was a PB, but was quite low, so that is definitely a weakness this year. But not enough to drop 10%.

Wondering what the fuck has gone wrong in the past 12 months to go backwards so dramatically.
@thespeedboy Been at it for 7 months and happy with things thus far. My goal was to RX everything and so far so good.

23.1: 180 reps
23.2a: 118 reps
23.2b: 190 lbs

Currently at 59% though that’ll likely fall when we see dubs this Friday. I feel good about anything else we might see with the exception of HSW, I’ve never attempted those…

Deadlift, box jump/over, DB/snatch, HSPU, clean, jerk, etc, I’m good with anything else. But the nearly inevitable dubs will be a struggle.

I’m okay with them while fresh, but trio up every 5-10 during a wod. Sometimes I can string together 20, but then right after I’ll trip up after a couple.

Definitely looking forward to next years open to see how I’ve progressed!
@thespeedboy I was sick in the first week of the open so I am not where i wanted to be on the leaderboard. But i really enjoyed the second workout and had a nice thruster PR so I am happy with how it is going now.
@thespeedboy First open for me after 6 months of CrossFit, have a good background of strength training but nothing amazing. Didn’t plan on doing it then decided to do scaled, have managed to RX so far so exceeding all my expectation, discovering my weaknesses aka gymnastics
@thespeedboy I'm sitting at 89% in my region. The Thruster really killed my momentum. ~11k on 23.1, ~15k on 23.2a, 55k on 23.2b.

Guess I gotta get a lot stronger next year.
@tabi777 Realistically, it's probably not a LOT stronger. For reference, I'm at 84% in my age group. I'm legitimately less than 10 reps over 23.1 and 23.2a from being in the top 10%. At 89%, you might just be 5 lbs away from being able to jump that 1%. Even if it's more than that, I'll be it's not a significant jump.
@thespeedboy weirdly enough, I went down on the leaderboard BUT absolutely have had a fantastic open.

In 23.1, I got my first 3 pull ups of my life doing the WOD scaled. first in my life, first in the open, first in a competition, first in a workout.

In 23.2a, I did my first RX open workout, which had pull ups, one week after doing my first pull ups. did around 30 and this is huge for me.

In 23.2b, I PRd my thruster. and PRd my power clean.

In 23.3, which I did scaled, 43 KG (the second snatch weight for scaled men) was my snatch PR, did 5 reps.

So all in all, while my placement on the leaderboard is lower than last year, I hit MAJOR milestones and broke mental barriers I had set for myself. So yes, this year, my goals were met and I am feeling incredibly happy with it overall.