2023 Open Goals - Met or Nah?

@thespeedboy I’ve been injured the past few years and couldn’t train the way I wanted. Was always around 55-60th percentiles. I’ve had a relatively good year with a setback from Covid. Goal is to ultimately make quarter finals, but I figured a more realistic goal would be something between 75-80%. I’m currently 74%. I’m satisfied with my effort and am looking forward to making my improvements.
@thespeedboy I wanted to qualify for the QFs since I did last year (just)

2021 - 85th percentile

2022 - 90th percentile

2023 - 95th percentile (so far)

More importantly I’ve actually enjoyed it much more this year. I think it was way more stressful in 2022 because the deadlift workout was really really not my wheelhouse and I bombed with a 79th %île score in that workout. So I was outside the top 10% and had to really pull it back in 22.3.

So yeah been a success so far, touch wood…

M32, around 165lbs btw
@tennesseegirl1993 That's great progression. I thought I would do much better at 22.2 but I was just gassed. A 225 deadlift is light for me but I just blew up on the burpees. Admittedly, pacing is not a strong point of mine. I've gotten better but I've not completely made the connection in my mind that I don't always have to make it harder when it isn't yet.
@thespeedboy I honestly don’t think I’ve gotten any better, the programming has just suited me a lot more. Loads of the guys in my gym beat me in tie break time on 23.1, but RMU are my wheelhouse so I beat all of them. Burpee pull-ups are a wheelhouse movement too so I scored really well there.

As others have said I think you should be really proud that you have jumped from 69th to 85th percentile. That’s really impressive. Maybe next year is your year to break QFs!
@pianogrl Definitely don’t give up! Last year I was definitely lower than 88th before 22.3 and I did it.

Sadly I’ve no idea what is coming but I’d be very surprised if it had any more pulling gymnastics, or a thruster in 23.3. I’d expect some skipping though.
@thespeedboy I don’t like to make goals for things l have no control over -like how I compare to other people. My goals are to do Rx, do my best at whatever hell the organizers throw at us and to do those things better than I did them last year. So far I’m doing well. No regrets.
@thespeedboy Normally I feel prepared for the Open via our head coach's WODs (he's a former regionals athlete, trains with The Training Plan) but in a combination of my having focused more on strength and dialing back weekly metcon dosage, bad luck of the draw on Open movements (I don't really have ring muscle ups), and an influx of people at my gym who are just quite simply better than me, it's not going as well as I wanted. But hey, I outthrusted most people on 23.2b!
@thespeedboy I’m recovering from a herniated disc and won’t be able to be “competitive” in CrossFit anymore. I didn’t sign up but I’m checking my scores and I believe I’m in the top 10% (which was the goal beyond having fun).

23.1 - 186 (wall balls were scary)

23.2a - 148

23.2b - 225 (hang power clean into the slowest/controlled thruster ever)
@thespeedboy Mostly happy with how it's gone so far. I'm on track to have my best percentile finish, which will def be a win.

My 23.1 score was a bit of a let down for me, but am really pleased with how I did on both 23.2 A & B. Both scores this week were higher than my typical open workout finish, and I like how one was heart rate focused and the other was barbell. Makes me appreciate the balance that I found over the past year's training.
@inetfree180 Congrats. That's where I am overall. I'm mostly happy with 23.1 and 23.2b. I scored higher on .1 than any workout last year and then finished WAY higher on .2b. My .2a score was my worst of any workout , though. I was on the edge of the group that just tanks your score and just getting like 5 more reps moved me up 3000 spots in an age group with about 27k people. It is what it is. I've obviously improved quite a bit so I have to be at least somewhat happy with the progress!
@thespeedboy Yeah, even if you come short of top 10%, moving from 69% to 85% is major progress!! And definitely still in striking distance of advancing if 23.3 shakes out more like 23.1 or 23.2B for you. Good luck!
@inetfree180 I've kind of accepted I won't make the top 10%. I'm not super upset about it but just a little disappointed because I set that goal after last years open. I knew it was a lofty goal but that's what goals should be. The work I put in over the past 6 months at cleans has paid off immensely for this open. There is no chance I'd have been able to get a 238 thruster under the level of fatigue I had after 23.2a last year due to me basically muscling the cleans then. I failed a 248 thruster this year and the clean was still super easy. I could have easily cleaned 275 after the workout. I just need to get that kind of efficiency in other movements and I'll be golden!
@thespeedboy It sounds like you're having the exact same situation as me!
I was 77th percentile last year as my first open, now sitting in 86th (after 180 reps on 23.1, okay showing on 23.2a and a home run (96th percentile) on 23.2b) putting me in 84th percentile overall. I can see me dropping unless 23.3 is another good one for me.
I had set the goal of quaters but I'm just starting to realise that there are simply a lot of good people at or just above my level, so a few reps/kgs either way can make a massive difference. I'm 31 now so I'm not expecting to make massive progress until I age up.
I'm still having a blast since transferring from powerlifting and I guess that's what it's all about, if you're still enjoying yourself and improving your health I wouldn't be too disheartened!!
@carolinedickson Exactly. I'm quite literally something like 3 rmu and 5-7 shuttle runs away from being very solidly in the quarterfinals in my age group. It's such a razor thin margin that it's hard to be TOO upset.

We do seem to be in similar situations. I wasn't a true powerlifter but all I did before starting crossfit was bro-lift anymore. I didn't have the same motivation and discipline with my lifting that I did when I was younger, and in the Marines, so my flexibility and general fitness were pretty lacking.

I am hoping to stay around the 85th percentile for 23.3 but it will also depend on what the workout ends up being. There are definitely things that can pop up where I'll immediately know I don't have a chance. We will see! Good luck!