I have to eat 1/3 of my calories before bed or I can't sleep..

@a1235 Me too! It sucks. I've had no many nights where I just couldn't sleep through the night if I didn't eat right before bed. And I'm a long sleeper-- I can't function on less than 8 hours. So one night of not great sleep really affects me the next day. It's hard having to remember to save those calories before sleeping!
@jeff4607 Ack I miss cottage cheese! I had to give up dairy for reasons unrelated to this post and it has NOT helped the food/sleep problem... dairy is definitely good for sleep.
@a1235 Eating right before bed will not negatively affect your health/ weight. This is a myth.

I regularly eat 30 - 50% of my daily calories between when I get back from the gym (8 PMish) and bedtime (10 PMish). There are a couple of reasons for this:
  1. A breakfast of 4 eggs is only only 240 calories, and generally keeps me full until close to 12, because I work in an office. My mid morning snack is usually only between an additional 45-150 calories.
  2. I generally eat a larger lunch consisting of 3-5 cups of veggies, some healthy fats, and 30-45 grams of lean protein. Lunch is between 450 and 650 calories. That keeps me full to close to the end of the day, when I eat a pre gym snack, which is typically a few berries and 1/2 serving of peanut butter.
  3. I like to eat most - all of my starchy carbs post workout. I aim for 135 - 180ish grams of carbs per day depending on workouts... This means I'm eating a ton of carbs after I workout.
  4. I often eat dinner with my boyfriend, and sometimes like to have a beer or a glass of wine. I leave room to easily fit this if I want it.
  5. At maintenance, I need about 2,300 calories per day. Prior to my post workout, multi-phase dinner, I'm usually somewhere between 1,000 and 1,400 calories. This means I'm eating a pretty big meal. When I am trying to "cut" a little, I'm probably between about 850 and 1,100 calories before this meal. That still leaves me with a large dinner.