I lost 15lbs, I'm 5'7'' and 123 lbs, but I'm still a size 8. Can I do something about it?

Anywho. I wish I could be 123 lbs. You must look amazing

Hey, thanks! :D My friends haven't really noticed (I suppose that winter clothes don't really help on that) so is nice to hear :)

I will have to go jean shopping because now all my jeans are too loose on the legs, but anyway I don't really care about the size. I know I have some wide hips. But after loosing 15 lbs I just hoped they would be less wide you know? But they are too damn stubborn, it seems!

BTW, I'm jealous about being muscular! Don't say it like is nothing :)
@accurateknowledge I agree with the posts in here saying not to focus on the numbers. I'm 5'11" around 142 and I wear a size 6. I started out wearing a size 12 when I began losing weight. I've lost around 65lbs. My hips are wide. That's just the way they are, they jut out. Try to focus on your overall body shape and tone rather than the size you're in or weight.
@brandonjack47 I'm 5'10.5, size 12. Seems it doesn't matter my size but no matter what i always got into a 12. I do t even know if I could ever get into anything less than a 10 even if I got to a bmi of 18 or something. I just have birthing hips
@sarah77118866 I thought so too until I started losing weight. I had been a 10-12 since I was in high school. Then after the weight started coming off I was convinced I wouldn't be any smaller than a 10 and now I'm a 6. I don't know how it happened but there's pretty much no way I'll be any less than that. There's no where left to go measurement wise. I could never be one of those tall size 2's because my hips just don't work that way.
@sarah77118866 You'll get there! My goal weight was 155. With my exercise routine more weight came off as I toned up. I'm focusing on adding muscle now since I'm looking a bit lanky which isn't my desired look. I never thought I'd be anything less than a 10 so anything is possible!
@accurateknowledge I hear you. Fat distribution is correlated with hormones. Unfortunately that's not something you have much control over. All you can do is keep exercising and try to target particular areas but other than that since you don't want to get your weight much lower that's about it.
@accurateknowledge I lost 40 lbs and went down one pant size. You're not alone. I really don't care what size clothes I have to wear though, as long as I'm comfortable with my body.
@mmx Well I actually like my body now more than before, the almost flat stomach is nice, so I suppose I still did something good for myself? Just a little bit frustrating to do something with an objective in mind, and my body completely refusing to cooperate. No chocolate for you today, body.
@accurateknowledge You need to build some muscle if you want to change your body's shape. If you can't join a gym, you can still build muscle by doing bodyweight exercises and things like climbing or riding up hills. Muscle is more dense than fat, so if you build more muscle, you will look smaller at the same weight.

That said I have lost weight and gained muscle and my hips are still really wide. I just had to learn to like it I guess
@dawn16 About that I was afraid to just put some muscle under the fat and then be even MORE wide, but I didn't think that I could loose some more fat and be still the same weight (so not getting into the underweight, that would be nice).

BTW, wide hips five! (or however you say a hip equivalent of a high five).
@accurateknowledge Do a search here for some of our progress posts and read the FAQ section on recomping or doing a slow bulk. Muscle takes up less space per pound than fat so you can gain weight, have a lower body fat percentage, and be physically smaller. Those are the things you can influence - bone structure and where your body prefers to store fat is not something you can influence. For reference, I'm your height, 150 pounds, and wear a US size 4. Muscle is good stuff.
@4ll4h Yes! But it will not affect how your hips look from the front and it doesn't add muscle to your hips (sleeping on your side is still gonna hurt.)