I walked 154 miles on my walking pad in February! Here's what happened:


New member
  1. I lost about 4-5lbs from the last week of January to now. (The range is due to some hormonal water retention.) From 136-132/131!
  2. I notice my clothes fitting much better, especially the waist and thighs of jeans/pants and bras. Goodbye, boobs!
  3. My stamina has increased! Back in December I was walking at 2.4-2.6mph for 2.5 hrs. In February, I mostly walked 9 miles a day at 3mph (3 hours of walking). My biggest walking day I logged 11 miles, the lowest was 4.5 when my foot hurt, lol.
  4. My mood is better! Walking is something I am always in the mood to do, exercise-wise. It's also easy to tell myself "just do one hour" and next thing I know it's been two, and I'm like hell yeah I can do another after lunch. I feel proud of my miles, and more productive in my workday.
  5. I understand protein now! By that I mean I can actually tell a difference in my day when I hit my protein goals vs when I'm lacking. Before I tracked, I thought I was getting enough protein, but I was probably only getting 50g max. I think my digestive tract is still getting used to handling these new macros, haha.
  6. I felt encouraged to make more healthy changes! After years away from the studio, I restarted yoga midway through Feb. and attended 6 classes (one of which was trapeze yoga!)
While I would have loved to finish out February at 126lb, I know that would not be reasonable or sustainable for my body (I am 5'2, btw). I also still ate out at restaurants ~5x without restricting or feeling guilty and drank alcohol ~4x. I'm about to go on a trip where I won't have my "emotional support walking pad" but plan on continuing yoga, eating mindfully, and not stressing!! Thanks to this sub for teaching me the value of protein and slow progress
@macbosch Amazing result! I have been thinking of buying a walking pad for a while but there are so many out there and with very mixed reviews that I haven’t picked one out yet for fear I’ll choose the wrong one. What walking pad are you using and are there any cons to it?
@huskysizeguy99 I am currently using the UREVO 2 in 1 Under desk treadmill from Amazon but kind of don't recommend it? lol. I chose it because it seemed to have good reviews for the price, it goes up to the speed I needed without needing the bar raised, and people said it was quiet. My issues are the actual tread seems to easily slip to one side or the other - my old floors are uneven, so I had to wedge cardboard under it to try and balance it but it can still slip a little. When it slips it makes this god awful noise. Could be 100% due to my floors but it's SO annoying. Knowing what I know now I probably would have spent a bit more to get a more reliable one!
@huskysizeguy99 of course! It is on sale on Amazon right now. If you have level hardwood or tile floors, you should honestly be fine judging by other peoples' reviews. My home office is uneven carpeting, so take what I said with a grain of salt or two haha
@bryanclendenning yay walking pad buddies! How do you track your step count? I have an Apple Watch that needs charging but my arms don't swing the whole time I walk so I didn't think it would track. Do you put a tracker on your ankle, or estimate steps?
@revcharlesg I’ve worn my watch around my ankle without an expander (sport loop band). But I do have small feet/ankles I reckon.
My brain is still too simple to figure out the hair tie would help with my band if I couldn’t fit it over my foot. I’m a visual learner!
@macbosch I use my Apple watch just on my wrist but also I don't have a job where I have to type a whole lot so my arms do swing. My standing desk also goes up pretty high so I can even raise the sides of my walking pad to go faster than 4.0 which is what I aim do before I start work. I tried the ankle thing but I didn't like that it didn't track my heart rate.
@macbosch I am addicted to my WalkingPad, ended up going from post baby 188 to 145 all basically from walking. I’m still about ten pounds away from my goal weight. But I’ve had my WalkingPad well over a year now and I still use it daily.
@macbosch Thanks for sharing this! Walking on a pad for that long every day is crazy- your dedication is super impressive. What did you do to keep yourself entertained?

My mini treadmill has been gathering dust, but you’ve inspired me to jump on for a bit after work. Congrats on your weight loss and mood+stamina gains!!