I walked 154 miles on my walking pad in February! Here's what happened:

@kateee71 Thank you so much! And honestly the walking helps me stay engaged with the long mandatory teams calls I have everyday. If I wasn't walking I would be sooo distracted. When I am not on calls, I am either working (writing/editing), scrolling TikTok, or reading on my kindle!
@macbosch I also have a walking pad and I have lost almost 10lbs since November in combination with calorie/macro tracking. My galaxy watch says I walk about 5 miles a day/12000 steps on average, compared to 5000 steps before.

It has changed my life while working a desk job at home, it's amazing, highly recommend as well!
@regent I have the UREVO Walking pad. It's just the regular one, I think it goes up to 3mph. It fits perfectly under my desk, was under $200, and is nice and light. It does make some weird noises but its overall quiet.

I think it's a good option for a budget, but I'm sure there's better.
@macbosch Amazing results! I WFH as well. Walking pads are ridiculously expensive in Canada, so I just started walking in place in front of my computer a few times a day. I can really feel a difference in the days I walk vs. the days I just sit all day.
@macbosch I want a walking pad even though I've got a treadmill.

I think just having a walking pad in my living room where I could just walk even for an extra 10 min a day without going downstairs to the treadmill would be great.

Your results make me want one EVEN MORE.

Maybe I'll get one for my 35th anniversary in a couple months.
@anne56 Not really! My apartment is old so not very energy efficient anyway but the brand of walking pad I have claims to be efficient. I imagine it would be comparable to running a space heater or other medium sized appliance for 3 hrs a day!
@macbosch this is amazing to hear!!! and the results i was looking for! i got a walking pad this month off fb marketplace. also an urevo for $130 and the time goes by sooo fast. did you find your hunger levels changing at all as you increased your steps? were you tracking calories?
@geranium I did track except for eating out, where I just tried to portion control and didn't eat til I was stuffed. I aimed for around 1400-1500 calories a day and only went over that a few times by about 100 cals or less! I am using a food scale and Cronometer but not sacrificing things like my morning latte or a little sweet treat at night (currently loving fair life in my coffee & tru fru was on sale at Costco so that's how I'm trying to make those work for me!) EDIT: no increased hunger probably due to finally eating enough protein lol
@macbosch I bought a cross trainer this month and planted it in my living room and use it every day for 30 mins, and my stamina has improved drastically too! Just exercising daily is so good for our health. I don’t think I’ve lost much weight but I do think I’ve converted some fat into muscle, which is what I want!
@macbosch I also bought a walking pad at the end of January and ended this month 4lbs down. I have a job where I spend a lot of time listening in on calls or reading reports, so I try to walk during that time and have been averaging 15k steps a day!
@macbosch Amazing!! I walked about that many miles a month for 3 months in a row and dropped 15 lbs. That was when I first started weight loss. My SW was 200 lbs. Walking that much def kickstarted my weight loss and fitness journey and it was the best thing I ever did. Keep it up and you will keep seeing results!!!
@macbosch Great job, I’m so happy for your progress!

I’m considering a walking pad too, but hesitant because I think I’d miss the options for incline that treadmills offer. I can’t decide if I want to save up for a treadmill or just bite the bullet for a walking pad for that reason. Do you feel like you’re still building decent leg strength by walking on a flat pad? I haven’t seen options for a walking pad with incline options, but maybe I’m missing something?
@marvilcott Thank you!! So I mentioned in another comment that my floors are uneven, and because of that I needed to wedge cardboard under my pad. (Actually like hard compressed cardboard). That made it more even but also gave it a teeeeny tiny incline lol. I think that helps my knees! As for muscle growth, my legs currently feel strong for me. By my own standards (flexing my quads and poking them) they feel good! Same with my calves. I think incorporating other strengthening exercises would help compliment the walking, which is part of why I'm getting back into yoga and Pilates :) IMO I wouldn't choose the pad > treadmill if your goal is muscle growth. But if you want to be consistent & can walk while WFH, the pad is the winner. I wouldn't have the time to dedicate to a regular treadmill that I do to the pad.