I walked 154 miles on my walking pad in February! Here's what happened:

@nickbor34 It's similar to a treadmill but much more compact. Most are just the bottom part and could be controlled by a little remote. Very easy to store under the bed, couch, desk etc.
@macbosch Nice results! I would also like to make walking my primary form of cardio activity as it doesn’t bulk my legs (even elliptical and running seems to pump my quads). I tend to walk outside but I’m considering a walking pad for those days I need to be inside working on research, or when the weather is bad etc. I have also started yoga on my own but want to work my way into a studio soon. Your post inspired me to up my mileage and stay consistent.
@regent UREVO 2 in 1 walking treadmill from Amazon! It's currently on sale but I said above that the only caveat is if your floors are uneven the tread has a tendency to slip to either side. Proceed with caution haha. It's still usable just a pain.
@macbosch What’s your new daily protein goal? What are the differences you feel with more protein now?

Also I can’t wait to fit into my bras again! Looking forward to that part quite a bit.
@miko I never tracked before so I'm trying to get as close to 100g as I can. I'm a vegetarian so most of my protein comes from tofu/beans/legumes, eggs, dairy (cottage cheese & protein yogurt), and things like lentil + rice pasta, keto tortillas, protein bars and shakes. And ikr my cute bralettes can finally hold their own haha
@macbosch I am so with you on "Goodbye, boobs!" lmao

Would you say a walking pad would be too loud/disruptive in an actual office setting? As in, a pretty quiet open office space with cubicles, not my own private office.
@lichti I think unless you got one specifically designed to be silent it would be a little disruptive. In a cubicle space I also would not go any faster than like 1.8mph, to avoid getting sweaty/making noise/etc.
@macbosch I love my walking pad! It definitely makes my admin work time feel more productive. I got taken down by germs this month so definitely did not walk as much as I aimed to do but hoping March brings better health!