I want to start going to the gym

Hello all I am 26 male and my job involves me sitting down all day. Up until last year my metabolism has allowed me to eat whatever I want and remain skinny while doing nothing but I have gained about 40 lbs in the last 2 years so I think my time is coming to an end. I have wanted to go to the gym to gain muscle for the last few years but never had any friends that went and I have no idea where to start. Now instead of gaining muscle my goal right now is to get rid of my gut that’s forming and then when that’s gone I’d like to gain muscle. I’m
26 and about 19lbs.

I would like to know how people recommend I start at the gym with appropriate workouts and such…. I’ve never been and am a bit socially awkward and the gym makes me nervous

3 years ago you could see my 6 pack and I never worked out

I am 5’ 9” and about 190lbs
@foreverrevealtruth Don't be afraid of the gym u'll find the sweetest soles and friends in the big burly men.

Watch a lot of youtube videos to learn some science based lifting and nutrition.

Don't be afraid of going to the gym. No way around it my friend.

Quick Tip! Acting brave is being brave. Pick a character u want to be and act it out.

@summertt5 This right here. The big muscles, skin head and tattoos are almost always hiding a good bloke who is more than happy to help you out. They were new to the gym once as well.

You'll be good man!
@foreverrevealtruth hey man as a fellow complete and utter noob i recommend downloading hevy app. free version lets you make 4 “routines”. after watching hundreds of YT vids and reading the fitness wiki and other articles found online i created a few routines of my favorite recommended workouts for newbies. i go six times a week. and i follow a push/pull/leg routine with an extra arm day in there simply bc i want to go crazy on my triceps lol.

it can get overwhelming but if you find the right content(the wiki) you’ll be golden. just remember nutrition is #1!
@foreverrevealtruth Yeah that happened to me I turned 24 and bam all the sudden I shot up to 180 from 140.

Your best bet is an app like boost camp and a beginner program or maybe a jeff nippard program and a diet app like macrofactor or rp diet app.
@foreverrevealtruth Make your way to the gym, my guy. Couple things I think will help:
  1. Know that noone there will pay mind to you besides if you're within 5 feet of them.
  2. 26yo and 190lb is a fine place to start. No shame in the fact that you once had abs. Life happens and other things took precedence than your looks. Honestly that's a good thing 90% of the time.
  3. Start with cardio and isolation movements (dumbbell curls, tricep extensions, leg curls/extensions, etc).
    Cardio will do your heart, metabolism, and blood vessels wonders (including but not limited to health related goodness ie lower BP and heart rate, as well as increasing blood flow and thus performance and recovery of muscles). And cardio doesn't have to be running fast AF. To pull primarily from fat, go for about 135-160bpm (estimating from your age) and go for 20 or so minutes/day. You'll likely get to this quickly if you've really been very inactive.
    Isolation exercises should be best for your weight lifting foundation given it's new for you. One joint being used at a time, giving each muscle it's workload one at a time, less body mechanics involved, and if you have a weak point(s) you can find out what it is SAFELY and improve it after you find it out.
  4. Diet is important too. If nothing else, eat like regular but with mindfulness of not eating more than you usually would. Your body can innately eat more as you burn more calories in the day, so make sure that's not the case. Some will argue diet needs to be restrictive to lose weight, and there's value to those words. But really all you need is to be in a caloric deficit, which you can achieve with exercise, less food, or both.
  5. When you do start, listen to your body. Muscle still sore the next day? Don't exercise that muscle that day. Feels fine/ maybe even fresher? Go ahead and work it harder. Whole body aches? Increase your water and protein intake and take the day or two off. At 26 and never having exercised before, if you don't listen to your joints and muscles, injury risk elevates. Nothing to be terrified of, but rather be mindful when you are tender/ aching.
  6. When all else fails, just do something. Anything. Activity is activity at the end of the day. Hike, bike, walk, do pushups, situps, pullups, grab a heavy thing and lift it. Just be sure if you're trying something new to at least look it up before so you do it right lol. You're no spring chicken but you're not an old geezer. And "anything" could also just mean choosing a salad instead of a bowl of rice, grabbing waters instead of sodas or juices, etc.
@foreverrevealtruth Start off with your current diet and make sure you are eating right, as you go start putting more protein in there. Definitely add extra movement to increase your calorie deficit even if it’s a 30 min incline walk on the treadmill, I wouldn’t suggest waiting to lose the weight first then put muscle on afterwards only because if you start increasing muscle mass right away you’ll end up burning more over time as they grow
@foreverrevealtruth When you see a giant hitting an exercise, ask him why he does it, what make group it huts... don't interrupt the reps tho haha. I learned so much at the start from asking the strongest people in the gym why they were doing certain exercises. When I started lifting YouTube an all that had not much, especially compared to now, on training.