If my coworkers can have a 10minute smoke break why can’t I have a 10minute micro workout?


New member
I’m like most people who are busy with life and family, sometimes I literally do not have the time to get in the nice 1hour+ scheduled workout everyday. So I have been doing little micro-workouts when I can, figured anything was better than nothing. Started at home, I would do things like 20 pushups before and after dishes; things like that.

So at work I had the idea that I would do body weight exercises when my coworkers went out to smoke.

I had a foreman come by and give me shit about wasting time and not working. I asked him why it was ok for others to have a 10minute smoke break every hour, but I can’t have a 10 minute workout break every hour. I told him if he was going to stop me from working out, then he had better ban smoke breaks too. He huffed and puffed a bit(ironically because he’s one of the smokers), but really didn’t have grounds to stop me. Guy still talks shit too me, but screw him.

The guy also hates anything vegetarian or vegan related with a passion, so I started bringing in lots of tofu and salad just to piss him off.

Edit- Wow this got a lot more controversial than I thought. That’s my bad, I should have focused more on the choice to do exercises in lieu of smoking. I was a bit heated when I wrote this.

Yes I’m a bit spiteful about the tofu and veggies thing, but hear me out. My foreman rambles on all the time about hormones in tofu and salad will turn a guy gay. It’s just great watching him freak out over tofu… like he will leave the break room if he sees it. So win-win.

Also I should point out that 90% of my work is outside working on big industrial machinery that is covered in grease from top to bottom. So everyone is already sweaty and dirty.

As for the exercises, my main choices are Nordic lunges, pushups, burpees, and if there’s anything available pull ups. I just do as many possible, the goal is to get the old heart pumping.

Sorry to stir-up so many emotions here.
@jeplet I used to "borrow" a cigarette from a coworker. Not light it, just hold it in my hand, and give it back at the end of my 10 min smike break 😂🤣
@jaminbear I didn’t smoke for two years. Bummed a couple during a couple bad days at work and now I’m half a pack down. Shit happens SO quick, haha.
@kate84 You do you, but I can't image how disappointed I'd feel in myself if I were to smoke even a single cigarette. That would be heavy as fuck.

If you want to quit again, I'm there for you bro.
@talloopoo One of the garages I worked in, was more smokers than not. Us non smokers used to go out to the back door and say we were having a fresh air or water break. We were told we were not allowed because it was different.

We averaged out the smokers had 2 weeks worth of smoke breaks per year. We asked for non smokers to have an extra weeks holiday days per year (that way the smokers still had more time). Smoke breaks were designated before/after work and during breaks only after that.