If my coworkers can have a 10minute smoke break why can’t I have a 10minute micro workout?

@hercrazierhalf I had somebody give me shit about that I
One time, I was squatting sand bags, and he told me, “you know if you fuck up your back doing that, they’ll just fire you”
@hercrazierhalf It sounds like if you were better able to communicate with your foreman and not intentionally try to "piss him off" you might have an easier time casually asking for the same 10 minute break your co-workers are getting. The way this is written it seems like neither of you are acting in a mature professional manner.
@hercrazierhalf Have you ever considered that maybe your smoking colleagues may have to deal with shite like ADHD - and that they feel even more compelled than yourself to get the dopamine fix that comes with smoking in order to deal with the monotony of dealing with the humdrum of pathetically soul crushing office work?? Stop making other people's behaviour about you.....