If my coworkers can have a 10minute smoke break why can’t I have a 10minute micro workout?

@farmgal30 It's not 10 minutes per day, it's a series of 10 minute workouts.

You could get plenty done in 10 minutes anyway if you go really hard. It's a great idea if willing to do it.
@farmgal30 All the hard work you’ve put in at the gym (your post history). Im just saying even something as small as showing up or doing a single push up every day is worth it.
@farmgal30 It could do plenty. Like boost his brain power and overall health. 10 minutes, multiple times each day, is far better than sitting all day. Fitness isn’t just for getting ripped, ya know.
@farmgal30 I can easily do 50 pull-ups in 10 min, lol. You could do 30-50 flights of stairs in 10 min. Its a long ass time when you’re busting you ass. Hell, 10 minutes of mobility training is all you need for the day.
@hercrazierhalf We do a pretty regular group walk in the parking lot at my work. Not every hour, but someone usually sends out a Teams message at 2.

But I also have a set of dumbbells in the corner of my office whenever I need a quick break.
@hercrazierhalf When I worked in industrial maintenance, they started tracking who was outside the turnstiles via badge swipes. Anyone who got over 90 mins (cumulative) ended up on the bad kid report lol. There weren’t many smokers on my crew but there was one dude who was a complete and total ass about it, constantly complaining he couldn’t eat lunch because he had to go all the way to the other end of the campus to the smoke pit, then all the way back and a minimum 10 minutes before he was back on the floor (to avoid particle contamination).
The non-smokers asking for breaks is exactly what made it like this 🤣