If there was an equivalent of the “Dead Hang” but for your hips instead of shoulders, what would it be?


New member
I’m a 35m standing at 5-9” and 170 lbs. I work at a desk job and also have two kids who love to be carried. All in, my posture (hips shoulders and all through my thoracic and lumbar spine) was jacked up.

My posture is still not great, but I’m experiencing some great improvements in shoulder / t-spine mobility and posture from dead hangs and I’d love to do something for my hips as well.

Do you guys do anything that is sort of like a “do this and it’ll solve multiple issues at once” like the dead hang, but specific to hips / lumbar spine? Doing my current routine (stretch hamstrings, pigeon stretch, hip flexor stretch, cat cows etc) is pretty time consuming!
@dawn16 Agree - Came to say duck walk, if you want one way to fix so many issues of tight and poorly controlled hips from sitting

Will add that the bottom portion of a squat, and the position in which one takes a duck walk, involves internal rotation of the femur which is the opposite of what's trained in chair sitting

If duck walk too challenging, a wall sit works wonders with good form

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