If you can recall, what was the first workout you RX'd? How far along were you when this occurred?


New member
I can recall mine quite vividly, as I felt like I had won the lottery and went home with the prom queen all rolled into one. I also know it well because I do it on my own for open gym on occasion and it's written on the dry erase board in my garage. I guess I am sentimental. I was just shy of 2 and a half months green that night:

It was a 5 RFT WOD:

8 KB Am. Swings (R+L) (53)

6 KB Cleans ea. (R+L)

4 KB Push Press ea. (R+L)

It was a 20 min cap, that first night I clocked in at 16:34
@sammypetter Not really sure because there are a few workouts you can Rx pretty much from the start (e.g. Cindy - I think the first time I did it I got something like 3 rounds).

But I do remember the first time I Rx'd DT. I'd done it 2 or 3 time before scaled and thought I'd never be able to do that at 155 lbs. It took me 33 minutes. Went well into the next class to finish, but they let me struggle through.

Recent time: 8 minutes.

In answer to the question: I started Rxing workouts regularly after 1-2 years. I started Rxing all of them after 4.
@sammypetter We always have some easier to RX ones mixed in so RXing was never a big deal to me just because whenever it’s an AMRAP you’d just get fewer rounds. Such as running and slam balls or something of the sort.
@dawn16 Karen was my first. Followed by an accidental murph. I rocked up early to my class by a full hour and was given the option to jump in about 3 minutes behind the starters - warm up on the run!

It was my best time completing Murph also by about 5 minutes at the time.
@sammypetter Not really sure but first benchmark one was Diane shortly after I did my first HSPU, time wasn't great but managed to finish within the time cap we had that day.
@sammypetter I remember mine because it was on my birthday in 2015, about 6 months into Crossfit. It was box jump overs and wall balls, but I don't remember how the workout was structured.
@sammypetter 400m runs, 95lb OHS, and 185lb deadlifts, about one month in.

I should have scaled it... I think there was only one other person in the class and we took wayyyy longer than we should have.
@sammypetter My list of firsts (all times from June 2015 to February 2016):

Fran - 8:02

Grace - 6:31

Karen - 13:02

Isabel - 8:12

Diane - 9:45

I started Crossfit in 2015. About 3 months in the main site ran a host of girl workouts over 2 months. So I went RX'd to give me some data points to work off of.
@sammypetter It was 18.2. Had been doing Crossfit solo for about a year.

I was humbled by the 50lb dumbbell, and an ascending ladder.

Going up a ladder to 10 is a real mental battle for me. Knowing that the next set is going to be harder when you're ready to quit at round 6..

Great memories!
@sammypetter According to Wodify this was my first RX workout, about 3 weeks in, it's been almost 2 years since then and I've RX'd another 296 workouts.

12 minute AMRAP:30m Bear Crawls (3 lengths)10 Deadlifts 225/15530m Burpee Broad Jumps10 Kettlebell Clean 53/35 (5 each side)