If you could only do 5 moves with bodyweight ,5 lb db and 8 lb kettlebell


New member
What would they be?
Hopefully this is allowed. I'm (60f) trying to motivate myself to exercise. But I get overwhelmed so easily. My goal is to strengthen and tone. I figured if I pick five moves and stick with those, it may be easier.
Thoughts? Thanks much!
@kelvinkann How about just 4. Goblet squats, kettlebell swings, single arm rows, overhead press. Do three sets of each exercise, twice a week. For the first week do enough reps that it starts to feel a little challenging but leave 3 or 4 reps in the tank. Pick a weight so the reps are somewhere between 5 and 15. Write down how many reps you do, ie goblet squats 8lbs x 12/10/9. Next week try and do 13/11/10. Once you get to 16/15/14, you need a heavier kettlebell or you can switch to a single leg variation.
@kelvinkann I'd add press-ups to make 5, youtube will have lots of press-up progressions. For example, you could start off standing and pressing against a wall. The more you lean forward the harder the press-up.

I'd also suggest going really easy on your excercises at the beginning. The mantra, "No pain no gain," is a load of bollocks. So, the day after working out, your body should be slightly sore, not aching.
@kelvinkann I've found a HIIT timer to be very helpful in this regard. I use a 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off, four sets of 5 rounds. That makes it just 20 minutes. It has a definite start, a definite end - sort of removes the need for motivation once you start.

Personally I'd go for as much whole body movement as possible:

kettle bell swings, squat-push-overhead press with 2 dbs, turkish getup with one dumbell and planks.