Initial 24.3 percentages BTWB (and percentages to shoot for, for quarterfinals)

@gospelknight im trying to figure out if your actually serious ... or just havent and still arent reading the post. here let me quote myself

i said finishing round 4 would be a "true percentage" (subtracting no shows) of 92 percent. and the actual result was 91%

and i quite literally said in big bold letters round 4 thrusters plus one muscle up would be 90% i even called it 149.1

"true percentages?s

if you factor in 25% scaled and no shows 90 percent becomes 92 percent

thus i believe finishing round 4 will be 92 percent and im too lazy to do the rest of the math"

lets say a ballbark score of 1 muscle up in round 3 for 75%
@talkingbunny You: I think you’ll need to finish round 9 to be top 90%

Me: That seems too high

You: I think it’s too low, 9 rounds if not more

Me: Turns out it was 8 rounds plus 9 reps

@gospelknight your utter confusion is due to the fact that the same as initially, you are still thinking in one world in which "percentile" from crossfit, on the app, is the same as the unpublished percentile or "true percentage" that i am speaking of. in my private discussion with you and with most of my discussions i am referring to the literal definition of percentile. as in ie: how many crossfitters did i beat? not how many did i beat, including those who didnt even do it.

clearly i meant that you would need to get 156 reps in order to be in the 90th percentile. not on the app, but in real life. that percentage ended up be 91st percentile in real life. how can i prove this? very simple. because in the body of my original post, i post my official projections and in my official projections i make it clear that i believe that finishing round 4 will be 92% on the crossfit app. and that number ended up being 93 percent in the crossfit app. you only have to scroll up to see all my official projections. obviously since i posted those official numbers above and differentiated between in app percent and actual true percentage, its clear that when i said 92% it was for in the crossfit application. and 90% that i spoke to you, was speaking of true percentage after subtracting no shows. so my prediction was 92 in app, 90 true. and it ended up being 93, 91.

looks like a whole lot of words to show you im right, and your wrong. its really not difficult when the entire history of the conversation is just a click away and when i clearly differentiate that i am speaking of two different percentage numbers.
@scubadude What is your percentile so far if you don’t mind me asking? I’m going to be in the same situation as you. I’ve never done a single MU but I’ve come close
@talkingbunny These numbers only reflect athletes that upload their scores to BTWB, which is really limited to those who are in some competition track like PRVN or HWPO, it is not representative of the whole.
@alaric The BTWB numbers have historically been a couple % points in the more capable. But just like 3-4 if I remember the last few years clearly.
@alaric disagree. in fact some of them arent even signed up. the trend for the entire open has been that it has become more difficult as the days go by,.....on btwb. bc the best athletes hold their scores back and 25% or more redo. this could be the low bar....
@talkingbunny Disagree all you want, the fact is that users of BTWB are a minority, as most gyms use cheaper management apps like Wodify and SugarWOD, so those affiliate scores are not included in the BTWB analysis. I say this as someone who uses BTWB and my percentiles in that app versus my place on the Open Leaderboard do not align (meaning my placing in the open is much higher than in BTWB.
@alaric I see your point but I can confirm that btwb the majority of our users are just regular gym athletes. I can't speak to the other systems.

I think the Open attracts top athletes of a gym. For example, CrossFit South Brooklyn got 100-300 people to sign up for the open. They have almost 1000 members. Most people do the workout Rx'd. In fact, 80% of people got lots of double unders. I'm not sure if 80% of every gym can do double unders. Just an observation there.
@alaric are you not reading? do you not see that i differntiate between the app and the true percentage? we dont have the bloody app bc we dont know all the scaled people and "no shows " that your gonna beat. i did the calculations above showing that 50 percent will actually be around 60. and fyi, every round includes 10% of people who dont do the workout, so the app is not your actual percentile but what counts towards advancing

the fact is .... and you can go look at this. the preliminary day 1 analysis has always got harder every workout every open.

i just double checked. bc preliminary analysis includes everyone. the only way to compare is to use masters for both, as both preliminary and final analysis include masters. example initial 75 percentile on 24.1 was 10:28 and then final analysis was 10:10. it got harder. and always gets harder. the final analysis is done with crossfit on the official crossfit the whole affiliate thing doesnt matter. we have initial analysis from btwb and final analysis. compared to actual scores. they do the actual true scores with crossfit, BUT AGAIN. YOUR PERCENTAGE WILL BE HIGHER ON THE APP. everyone has percentages in their head based on the app, i am doing this based on true data from rx individuals and account for the adjustment above. if it follows previous data. getting through 2 rounds in the second will be 75% for RX but 80% including scaled and foundations however, likely harder...... as the numbers have consistently got more challenging in every previous open workout.
@alaric the numbers will get harder as the weekend goes on. but it is only reflective of RX athletes therefore your percentage on the app towards advancement will still be higher. thats the bottom line. apparently 23.3 had 35% people scaled foundations and no obviously catapaulting ahead of 35% of the field will drive a 50th percentile against RX up much higher. however the Rx athletes entering through the next few days will make the score harder for the percentile against RX athlete. its meaningless for hitting 75% for quarters. but accurate none the less... for guaging against those who did the workout as prescribed.
@talkingbunny I entered this week at 89th percentile. Did it this morning. 126 reps = 6 rounds + 7 thrusters and 5 Muscle ups. Got stuck for the last 45secs failing muscle up #6 multiple times.

That 135lb bar hit me like a ton of brick. 5ft 9 and 163lbs definitely more an engine than an out right strength guy.
@jeromecoates You and I are about the same size so thanks for sharing! I also am apprehensive about the heavy thrusters. Did you do them as singles or did you manage to string them together? How did you break up the sets of ten?

Well done!