Initial 24.3 percentages BTWB (and percentages to shoot for, for quarterfinals)

@talkingbunny This sounds about right. I'm a bubble 90% athlete. I hit 1 thruster into the 9th round. Where I'm ranked I'm with a bunch of other 90 percent bubble athletes too.
@weighbourg dunno. i only paid attention to myself bc im a dude..... a girl should post the girl stuff..... happy to figure out the math though if you have a target you need to hit as far as where your at and where you want to finish. would only take me about 5 minutes to get a projection that should be within a few percentage points
@talkingbunny I'm pretty sure that you're also only factoring Rx when it's BTWB. They have another option for scaled. So you also need to factor that most scaled athletes are using that version in the app.
@talkingbunny Nice work on this. When it comes to the "true percentages", I think your 25% estimate for scaled+no shows may be a little on the low side. 23.3 no shows were 21%, and 22.3 no shows were 22%. After factoring in scaled (15-20% of submitted scores), I'm thinking non-rx entrants will probably be more in the 32-35% range.
@inetfree180 i think your right. i only did masters 35 to 39 where it appears to be less. which sort of makes sense. if your late 30s and you sign up probably a lesser drop off and scaled rate. i got 37 percent on 22.3

if its 35 percent. the true rx total of finishing 2 rounds in second would jump to 84 percent instead of 80. however i do think these get harder as the week goes by a little lower
@talkingbunny Yeah 35-39 is just a bunch of salty vets (I just joined the division this year and am finding out). Very competitive.

Finishing 2 rounds sounds a lot more reasonable. I'm going to be downloading the leaderboard this afternoon to get a read on things. Gonna base any adjustments off of an expected ~137k-140k submissions.
@inetfree180 i think its worse than expected. i gotta redo. i made a huge error. my new victory grips have not been good on our bars. i was late. stayed at gym by myself so had no motivation. (small gym. the 2 other competitive guys were about to start when i got there). sat around for an hour. didnt warm up. and then when i started slipping on chest to bars it was so frustrating. i really was about to quit. first half target was 630. i had to do chest to bar singles the whole time (despite being able to do the muscle ups unbroken....all 5 rounds if i made it that far) ...... and i ended up at 10:00, start at 11:30 then the thrusters were easy lol. at 95 they were annoying .....hurt my knees and my wrists. at 135 i knew it was heavy so just beasted 4. break. 3. break. unbroken muscle ups and again. i need to do that again with the right grips. i switched out to my old bear komplex at the 1 min break, of which it took me 1:30 to do so lol..... i can do a final push full round in about 1:00 if needed so when i redo im trying to get 8:00 on the first half. 945 round 1 of second. 1145 round 2 of second. 14:00 finish 3 and then try to throw up and die and get through round 4...... i strained my calf and was jumping on one leg in the doubles workout so now i need 87 to 90 percent to get in. if i got 2 rounds like this,i know i can get 3. and i think i may be able to get 4.
@talkingbunny Just had someone do it RX, their strategy was 5/5 Thrusters then 5/5 Chest to bar, 4/3 thrusters, 3/2/2 Bar muscle ups.

They completed 3 rounds and 11 reps into the second portion. 153 reps.
@talkingbunny We usually wait for a bit before we put out the percentile numbers. But I kind of like this bleeding edge approach too. At the end of the day the goal is to give people an idea of what everyone is getting. Sometimes the numbers don't shift at all and sometimes they do. We are digging into the numbers now and our post should be up soon. Good stuff.
@notw530 the insider. i likeit. i screwed some numbers up and had to rework the math but they are hugely helpful. 2 things. 1) will it be out today? and 2) it would HUGELY make it more attractive if you were able to somehow work in an estimated percentage of what an rx athlete MAY need score wise to hit, 50, 75, 90 on app. people would eat that up. all the people who dont undrstand why the numbers are "off" would be flocking to your posts. im telling you...if you guys could work that in somehow, especially with this huge swath of athletes aiming for 75 percent, it could be a whole new era.
@talkingbunny We are doing it right now, should be up soon. I'll try to add in the stat you like, but if we are not very confident in it we won't. But 75th is something we talk about a lot internally. Good luck!