Initial 24.3 percentages BTWB (and percentages to shoot for, for quarterfinals)

@talkingbunny BMU is probably the 3rd toughest movement in CF (Hand stand walk, RMU being the others) I think completing just 1 BMU vaults you to the 60-70% range. I don’t think 50% of Rx crossfiters have a muscle up.
@soldier84 i think the 50 percent TRUE RATE. holds but keep this in mind. with 25% scaled and no show, it will show up as 60 percent on the app...... so you arent wrong bc technically all those scaled and foundations people in fact do not have bar mu. maybe 5% is no shows. true rate prolly 58%
@talkingbunny If you can do C2B and 135# Thrusters, this is about saving your pull for Round 4.

My strategy:

Sets of 5-5 on the 95# Thrusters = ~ 30 seconds per round

Sets of 2 C2B across all rounds = ~ 40 seconds per round

With transitions, should be finished 5 Rounds in ~ 7:30 - 8:00

Starting at 9:00:

Singles on the 135# Thrusters = ~ 1 minute

Sacrifice a Goat and hope that I can do some BMU in the remaining 5 minutes.
@talkingbunny consistent 89-91% individual, and 97-98% as 40-something master here (6th year in the open).

i finished on 151 today. i can only kick out 5-8 unbroken BMUs during easier wods, so this was always gonna be a BMU test for me.

hope that helps anyone who's trying to sort out where they might end up percentage-wise for this WOD.
@jkhaemba Thanks for sharing this. I'm in the same boat as you in terms of percentile over the years. I was thinking getting through 4 rounds of the 2nd part would be a lock for 90th percentile (so 156 reps). I think 95th are gonna finish around the 12-13 min range while your 99th are gonna be sub 11:30 and lower.
@wangsamax you're welcome, and congrats on your numbers. such a nice feeling until you realize you're still miles away from the real tip of the spear, amiright?

a coach at my gym went to games recently. she finished in 12-mins something.

she would have done a lot better had she not come out so effing hot. finished rnd 1 in 0:33! i wanted to yell at her to slow down, but who the hell am i to be giving advice to someone wearing a games top with their number on it???
@jkhaemba Haha, right! I came to the realization when I turned 35 that I won't ever be a games athlete (39 now). So I just try to be better than I was last year.

Dang that's a solid time! I'm sure she was hurting on that 2nd part from coming out so hot lol
@wangsamax i think finishing will be 95th..... but i agree finishing 4 is likely a lock for 90. i have finishing 3 at 87% on app currently, which will likely drop a bit

i believe finishing 3 will be 86%
@jkhaemba the thrusters are my gatekeeper. im not weak. i front squat 360. i think im mentally weak lol. gonna wear my lifters. when i get to the bar, no matter how fatigued, will be 20 seconds every time. which i hope is an advantage that helps get me back into things with my slow thrusters. im hoping to go 4 and 3 round one and then 3 , 2, 2 with a big sign in front of me that reads "GET BACK TO THE BAR" no 30 second breaks. look at the clock. 8-10 seconds and go
@talkingbunny I’m skeptical.

Unless there is a massive amount of people who don’t even attempt the workout RX and you’re left with the top 25%ish being the full field I don’t see how getting 111 reps is only better than half of scores.
@1corithians13 half the scores of RX.

everyone thinks their percentage is true percentage. no shows and scaled accounted for 37 percent of scores on 23.3

if someone got a 65 percent on that it was more like 50 true score.

i put 11 at 60th percentile i just reworked the numbers and think it will end up being closer to 64 percent
@talkingbunny Similar to most muscle-up focused workouts, guys and girls will be very different.

This morning, I watched guys who would dummy either workout struggle and barely finish. I watched a women who was top 1000 worldwide in last years QF fight for one bar muscle-up in the fourth round.

If you are a guy and you need a big performance, aim for a minimum thrusters in the third round.

If you are a lady, every bar muscle-up in the second round will be worth a lot of points.