I (26F, 5’0 on a good day, SW: 178, CW: ~120, GW:112) am desperately trying to shed these last few lbs, but having trouble finding a caloric deficit that is reasonable for my activity level and physique goals. I’ll preface this that I am trying to be less focused on my scale weight, and moreso focused on reducing body fat. My current BF% is a bit high for my liking (~28%), and I’d really like to try to get around 23%. I have gone through periods of maintenance on this weight loss ~journey~, but honestly feel very motivated to just lock in and make some real progress.
Currently, my macro split is 40%C/30%F/30%P on ~1,500 calories. I shifted my macros to add some more fat after accepting that my focus on volume eating was resulting in a miserably low fat intake. I eat primarily whole foods and have found that several smaller meals throughout the day has helped me reduce some food noise and unnecessary snacking.
I WFH and use my walking pad pretty heavily, averaging ~30k steps a day (call me crazy but I find that my productivity is way higher when I’m moving versus sitting inactive). I’ve also recently started doing CrossFit ~4x/week.
I told myself I’m giving myself a month at this caloric intake and energy expenditure to see what happens, but thought I’d look to my trusty Reddit folk for thoughts. Thanks in advance :’)
Currently, my macro split is 40%C/30%F/30%P on ~1,500 calories. I shifted my macros to add some more fat after accepting that my focus on volume eating was resulting in a miserably low fat intake. I eat primarily whole foods and have found that several smaller meals throughout the day has helped me reduce some food noise and unnecessary snacking.
I WFH and use my walking pad pretty heavily, averaging ~30k steps a day (call me crazy but I find that my productivity is way higher when I’m moving versus sitting inactive). I’ve also recently started doing CrossFit ~4x/week.
I told myself I’m giving myself a month at this caloric intake and energy expenditure to see what happens, but thought I’d look to my trusty Reddit folk for thoughts. Thanks in advance :’)