Is 2-3 minutes between sets too long? I keep getting rude looks from guys at the gym..

@ronit it's so stupid given that my workout tracker is on my yes I'm on there, because I'm logging my set and working out what I need to do next. stfu gymbros
It changes week to week thanks to the program I'm on so I'm usually checking the next weight, pressing 'done' on the set, and sometimes checking the graphs generated to get a sense of what % volume I'm adding. Sometimes I also like to take a quick look at how I'm progressing for fun accessory movements like box jumps, especially if it's been a while since I last had them programmed. I get that if you're on Stronglifts 5x5 or whatever program it's easy to remember without a phone, but that's not necessarily the case for everyone. Also did you follow me from the Edinburgh subreddit? Weird to necro a post.
@ronit Everyone knows that in between sets you're only allowed to stare into space and deeply focus on preparing for your next set as you were about to push for a world record breaking PB. Phones are frivolous and useless.
@thomas45 it's nice to have a break, isn't it? Also if your phone isn't with you, it won't get damaged or stolen. But if you need it for a timer then that's ok too.
@lionofthesun You're allowed to meticulously observe the degree of separation between your chesticles in front of the mirror in rare and exceptional cases. You must underline your meticulosity with appropriately low-pitched grunts and humming noises. It is rumored to mimic a call upon the gainz gods, so that they will come down at night whilst you are passive recovering and they will stroke striations into your muscle fibers.

No /s here. I'm being dead serious.
@1stbrownhorse I might be a little salty if someone took three minutes to just sit on a machine while it was busy enough to cause a backlog of waiting! That said, I might just ask to work in like a NORMAL PERSON instead of glowering, but. 🤷‍♀️

Could you offer a work in? Just hold up the timer and say “I’ve got three minutes, can you squeeze in a set?”
@parents4kids A lot of men may not want to ask a woman if they can work in-between their sets. It can appear creepy and give the impression that they are coming onto the woman in question.
@sandyone A lot of men or you?

It’s hard to be perceived as creepy when you’re not being weird. Start treating them like people instead of thinking you have to tip-toe around women like an alien species
@narocroc58 A lot of men, that's why I said "a lot of men".

The inappropriate actions of a small minority of people can change the behaviour of others who do not wish to be tarred with the same brush.
@sandyone If you’re changing your behavior because you’re afraid of sexually harassing someone you probably should have changed your behavior

Speaking to a woman is not sexual assault. Stop using it as an excuse to not treat us like people.
@lookx009 ??

I'm not doing any of these things. I'm not sure where this assumption is coming from.

I'm just offering a different perspective based on privileged conversations that I've been part of with others. There are all sorts of reasons for people to act in ways which bemuse, which aren't immediately obvious.

I have no problem talking to anybody. Male, female, or otherwise. I'll ask to "work in" if appropriate, i.e. if the person is taking long rest breaks and they are using a similar amount of weight that I would use.

I would also offer that opportunity to somebody else if I was inclined to take long rest periods.
@sandyone Giving credence to that reason to not speak to a woman like it’s valid is why men continue to think the alienation and exclusion of women is acceptable. You should be actively pushing back on men who “bemuse” in these “privileged conversations” because it’s a wholly unacceptable reason.
@parents4kids I've never seen people work in at my gym. My problem is mostly an issue on the squat racks because my gym doesn't have a designated benching area, so they can be used for both. I'm also like 5 feet tall so they would also need to readjust the bar holder to their height so idk if it is worth the effort for them to work in in that case. On the machines, I usually only rest for 90 seconds or 2 minutes and they are in less of a demand than the free weights. The only exception is the leg press because there is only one. I only take about a 2 minute break but it takes me an extra 2 minutes at the beginning to rerack some plates since people will commonly leave on 3-4 plates on each side.
@1stbrownhorse I bet those same dudes leave those plates on the leg press. Think about how they’re wasting your time by not following the most basic gym etiquette. You don’t owe them anything and you have a right to take up space.
@1stbrownhorse You can also say how many sets you’ve got left if anyone is hovering particularly close and you don’t think they could work in easily - it gives them some indication of how much longer you might be.
@1stbrownhorse If it’s not worth the effort for them, they’ll figure it out pretty fast and you can put the problem to bed just by offering, ya know?

If it’s incredibly inconvenient for you and you don’t WANT to offer, you can probably hit a similar tone by giving them a time estimate and calling it a day.

I’d probably just offer the work in. Odds are they won’t take it and will realize they’ve been aggro and weird.
@1stbrownhorse What are your goals? If you're doing 8-12 reps per set, you need 60-90 seconds between sets. If you're doing 4-6 then 2-3 minutes. If you're doing light weight and taking 3-4 minutes between sets you are wasting everyone's time, including and most importantly, yours. You can't reach an anabolic state with rest times like that so what is your focus? Gaining strength? Gaining mass? Losing weight?