Is 2-3 minutes between sets too long? I keep getting rude looks from guys at the gym..

@1stbrownhorse They might be waiting on the machine or whatever you’re doing, I know I get a little irked when I’m waiting on a machine and the person just sits there and takes it up for what seems like forever when I’m trying to get it done and go home. I don’t give dirty looks or anything, I just glance to see if the person is done using it every now and again but that may be why you’re getting looks.
@1stbrownhorse Personally I go for 90 seconds max. No real reason other than I want to feel that burn and get through my workout faster. That being said, if someone is taking 4-5 minutes between sets and im waiting got the equipment ill likely either ask to jump in between sets or watch then to finish (which may be interpreted as eyeballing).
@1stbrownhorse Nope. I take at least 2 minutes. I just dead eye them if they are staring at me. Most of these dudes that are trying to harass you or make you feel bad are betas and if you simply stand your ground/stare back, they fuck right off.
@1stbrownhorse In my gym, the etiquette goes as follows: If you are nice, you offer the machine to someone else so they can do their set while you are waiting. When my gym is packed this isn't mandatory but it's kind of expected behavior. On the other hand, no one will ask you to let them go in between as you "own" the machine while you are using it. But yeah, it's expected to be nice and not play in your phone while others are waiting. So maybe that's why they give you the looks.
@peacewarrior well, still a pandemic going on and i'd rather people not be in my space. outside of that, i'd rather men not be in my space especially at the gym

but for the record, i am also fine with waiting for equipment and don't get worked up over it
@kcorn Of course I was talking about before the pandemic. Now gyms are closed.

I have had any problems with men at the gym. If there was I wouldn't be a customer there.
@dawn16 This world. Congrats on being able to manage the spectrum of effectively being harassed, intimidated, and made uncomfortable by others. Have you considered that some people associate trauma/past negative experience with being stared at? Have you considered that some people have to really push themselves to being at the gym and exposed in the first place? I doubt that you have because you are comparing people to yourself and your own standards.
@linktogunner Taking the opinion of these rude, creepy people as something that matters is making OP have doubts about her completely valid program. How is that a good thing?
@dawn16 Maybe they can't help it? Not everything can be rationally and methodically thought and pushed aside. Things affect people even when these people know it shouldn't. And sometimes, maybe, OP could have been the person in the wrong and their way of verifying is asking in this sub to make sure that they weren't the one doing something that they didn't know was bad.
@dawn16 It matters because it is affecting her day. If they walked out of the gym and decided to criticize her for one reason or another, it wouldn’t matter because she is not exposed to it. Why should she have to modify her behavior/expectations/sensitivity based on other people’s issues?