Is 3 hours in the gym too much?

@asdtmr12 it’s normal especially when i go there after 6pm. not only i have to rest longer than i usually do, i also have to wait for others who use the same equipment.
@asdtmr12 Answer:
Yes. You're wasting too much time between sets. Yes, I understand that's part of the process, but 3 hours is too long.

I grew up in a punk band: the ethos being if you can't get the message across in two minutes, your message sucks.

That is how I view working out. I go hard for 45-60 min tops, and if I have more in the tank, I still call it quits anyway.
Live your life, gym time should be exciting-an endorphin rush, not tedious like a job to do.
@asdtmr12 Depends on what your goal is but 3 hour workouts are not too much they are good if you want to cover large amounts of volume and rest. Don’t listen to people saying is too much. Make sure you are eating healthy and resting enough. Take 3 days when you feel your body is breaking down.
To further elaborate, I do the higher end of recoverable volume. I do spend quite a lot of time resting and just wondering between sets
@asdtmr12 3 hours = 180 mins. If you take 2 min rests and 1 min per set that’s 60 sets. If you take 5 min breaks and 1 min per set that’s still 30 sets. Any reasonable amount of volume can be achieved in 1-1.5 hours if you are not a lazy bum that takes ridiculous rest times. If you are not a powerlifter more than 2 min is probably overkill and you can use even less rest for isolation or less taxing exercises.
@askmeanything99 I do 43 sets on leg days and 50 ok arm days unless I missed something.

Some people need a lot of volume. I also like to work muscle groups that a lot of people ignore (e.g. hip flexors, neck, serratus anterior).
@asdtmr12 For what it's worth, I work from home and workout from home. Sometimes my workout takes 4 hours because I start then get pulled into work and do sets between emails and projects.

The best workout is the one you actually do. So if taking your time gets you through, it's better than not doing the workout even if it's not "ideal".
@asdtmr12 If you’re counting “wandering around time” into this, then 3 hours is fine. If your 3 hour workout is nonstop workout and resting a few minutes between sets, then it’s too much.
@asdtmr12 There is nothing wrong being at the gym for 3 hours, as long as it works for you.

I personally like to be around an hour, but I do a light warm up and time my rests to be 90s between sets since I don't want to be there forever.
@asdtmr12 Depends how intense you are. 3 hours of intense exercise is way too much for a natural lifter. If you're just taking your time, doing lots of warmups/cardio then there's really nothing wrong with it.
@asdtmr12 3 hours spent lifting is excessive. I personally train 5x week with 90-120 minute sessions and they honestly beat the shit out if me. Laser focused and I never socialize. Some would call this excessive but I love training so I do it.