Is 500/month a general cost for a fitness and health coach?


New member
This person would be messaging me through whatsapp everyday having me record my second rep and send to him so he can make sure I'm keeping proper form.

He would also share with me foods to eat and have me take pics everyday of what I'm making for dinner to stay on track with my health.

He also said he is taking a more holistic approach to health rather than using supplements. Food is what he uses to heal.

He lives out of country but has a large social media following and I love his content...I just wasn't prepared for the $500 a month.. but I read personal trainers in person charge 30-$100+/hr, but since this is through whatsapp...I don't know? I'd be doing calls with him as well I assume. But he'd be there to coach me every day for 3 months.

Anyone think this is too much or is this a reasonable price?
@babychristian10 "Daily Simple Questions" threads in r/Fitness

"[Date] Daily Thread" threads in r/weightroom

"Every Second-Daily Thread" threads in r/powerlifting if it's relevent to powerlifting

r/gym and r/strength_training take form check threads

r/bodyweightfitness, r/powerbuilding, r/weightlifting also do if they're relevent to the specific sports/training modality

And r/formcheck and probably others! I hadn't known of formcheck honestly so there's probably others hiding. But those above are all pretty big subs.
@babychristian10 That sounds absurdly expensive for someone you are never going to see. I work out with a personal trainer for an hour a week for $55 per session, and have a membership at a gym and yoga studio that works out to about what you are thinking of paying.
@slr Wow thats a lot! Thank you for mentioning this. I have a planet fitness membership but I think I'll join something else as well. :) appreciate the feedback.
@babychristian10 Nope, not crossfit. It is a local strength training gym that focuses on form over all else, and currently does yoga, kinstretch, and TRX classes as well as classes that split the class into thirds doing strength training, rowing, and body weight cardio. Every class starts with warm up exercises and finishes with recommended stretches for the muscle groups that you worked.

It is the same gym that I do my weekly personal training session in with a coach that I have known for over 5 years.
@slr Oh wow nice! That sounds like something I'd be interested in. They don't have anything like that with all those in one spot where I'm at,...I don't think.. :/
@babychristian10 Wayyyy too much.

I can see benefit of an in person, personal trainer to help with form and being able to help you safely push harder than you would on your own. I wouldn't pay for an online trainer to check form as you can do this for free online. You can post form videos on the daily r/fitness thread and people will respond with their opinions.

As for food... deep down, I think you know what is good food and what's not. There are many ways to eat healthily. And there are many opinions on if certain foods are actually healthy or not. Do some research of your own, come to your own conclusions, and then listen to your body and see how you feel.

And there's nothing wrong with supplements imo. Food is medicine, for sure. I completely agree there. But due to all kinds of reasons, our food may not be as nutritious as it once was or we may have some kind of issue that isn't allowing proper absorption of certain nutrients, etc... so having some supplements is perfectly fine! For example, I ate a very healthy diet and spent enough time outside to get a solid tan and not burn (without sunscreen) yet I still had my Vit D levels on the low side. So I supplement that year around.

There are also other herbs that you might never come in contact with for your normal diet, but that could provide a benefit based on what issue you're trying to solve.

Then there are others where it's basically impossible to get enough via your normal diet. Lets use creatine for an example... you'd have to eat like 2-3 pounds of beef in a day to hit the 5g daily amount that is recommended to supplement with. Much easier to just supplement it in your diet.

But ultimately, what makes you think you need this dude's help? It ultimately comes down to if you think its worth it or not. But I'm gonna guess that since you're asking here... it's very likely not worth it to you.
@dinafrancis Wow thank you! This was very informative and helpful. I didn't want to spend that money but I also just have some motivational issues and i guess the social interaction part kind of motivated me.
I am afraid to supplement because of how sensitive I've become after a heavy antibiotic treatment. My body has never been the same since.
@babychristian10 Ultimately motivation is a fleeting bitch. You just need to build a habit and do it. Think of your fitness like a 2nd job .. you may not want to go to work, but you gotta get paid, so you go.

Having and obtainable goal to work towards can be helpful too, something you can think about when you really don't feel like pushing yourself.

As for supplements, taking some probiotics may be helpful after heavy antibiotics, gotta help reset your gut biome. But unless the antibiotics have you some disorder where you absorb too much of a supplement some how (idk if that's even a thing) then I wouldn't be worried. If you have questions/concerns about if taking a supplement is right for you, talk with your doctor. Personally, I'd go supplement + food over pharma any day.
@babychristian10 No way in hell I'd pay that much. I had an in-person trainer at $50 a pop once per week and he did get me into the best shape I've been in since the military and it was worth it for awhile, but even that got a little rich for my blood after awhile, especially since I pay attention to things and can just do these things on my own...but no way I'm paying someone $500 per month for whatsapp training.

My former coach used to do online training as well, but he restricted that to people who were already relatively advanced and didn't need the in person attention...and most of them were at least collegiate level athletes trying to get an extra edge.
@walkaway Oooh okay thank you! I feel silly for even considering paying him that much now lol...but appreciate the feedback. I will check out some gyms near me and see if I can find someone to help get me in better shape. I've gotten a flabby belly but the rest of me is skinny lol..I skinny fat now. Need to find a good diet and excercise plan to tone and flatten my waist back.