Is it appropriate for a coach to physically correct you?

@kingshellie "Hey, I really appreciate the good cues and coaching you're giving me, but I don't like being touched, and it's been bothering me. Can we stick to verbal cues from now on? Thanks!" If he's a good guy he'll be mortified. If he's not, DTMF.
@kingshellie Let him know you’d prefer verbal cues. If he doesn’t stop the physical cues, time to move on. Honestly, getting flush is a no go for me. It’s uncomfortable but it’s important to speak up.

The only time I’ve ever been touched in an exercise situation was in yoga class. I recall the teacher coming up to me, asking me if it’s ok to touch for a correction, me saying yes, and then they touched with verbal cues. No creepy touching either.
@jay1984 I had a trainer that always asked first. And when he did he barely actually touched the clients, more like brushed with his finger tips the area that needed correction and then he’d coach with hand signals until you got it right.

I’ll ask this trainer to do that if he really feels he needs to give more specific feedback or if I’m not getting it with the verbal cues.
@kingshellie You're not overreacting. I would start by simply telling him not to touch you. Escalate to the owner/manager if needed.

I coach crossfit and yes, there are times I touch someone, but never the upper thigh or anything inappropriate. At most I touch the elbows, sometimes traps, sometimes ankles. And I ALWAYS ask them if it's OK before I touch them. I am also female. Our male coaches simply don't touch anyone 99% of the time unless it's a member they have a working relationship with.
@kingshellie This guy sounds pretty creepy to be honest. I find it hard to believe you "need" that much correction if you've got experience, and in any case, he can just use verbal cues to direct you. And as you observe, none of the other coaches are doing it to this extent.

Maybe have a look around or chat to see if he seems to be doing this to any other women as well (or is he even correcting men in this fashion, I wonder?).