Is this a decent diet plan for weight loss?


New member
I'm almost 24 in 20 days, I'm 97 kg and 167 cm height, pretty obese and having health issues. I decided to cut out fat and have started gym 5 times a week and a good diet but still see my weight is increasing daily. What to do?


Breakfast (9:30 - 10:00 AM)

40g Oats + 10 almonds + 10 cashew nuts + 4 walnuts + 1 spoon peanut butter + pinch of salt + pinch of honey + 1 banana and I boil it in water for 3-4 mins. Along with it I eat 2 boiled eggs

Lunch (2:00 - 3:00 PM)

250 gm chicken (fried or gravy) or 200 gm paneer (gravy) [Gravy: 1 tsp mustard oil, 1 onion, 1 tomato, ginger garlic paste, spices, salt, water] along with 200 gm dahi. Along with this I eat 200gm brown rice and boiled or sauted vegetables like cabbage, spinach, etc.

Supplements: Testosterone booster, L-arginine (doctor recommended), Vit D3, Vit E, Multi Vitamin, Omega 3

Pre-workout (6:00 PM)

1 cup black coffee + 1 banana

Workout (7:00 - 8:30 PM)

Post-workout (8:30 - 9:00 PM)

1 scoop whey protein with water

Dinner (9:30 - 10:00 PM)

4 egg white omlette with 1 beetroot or radish

Supplements: L-argnine (doctor recommended), Tadalafil 5mg (doctor recommended for obvious reasons)
@destined22 As per your diet, you are having a surplus calories.
Calculate your TDEE and have a cut of 300 calories and workout consistently. Do cardio of 10-15 mins after workout. Have a good sleep and increase your water and fiber intake. Have suddenly spiked this protein intake? If it is gradually increase the same. And Don't take any supplements without reports.
@graciedog My TDEE comes to be around 2600 calories. And as per my calculations using MyFitnessPal app, I’m having around 1700-1800 calories per day so I am in deficit. Can you help me pointing where can I be miscalculating?
Protein intake yes I have increased it gradually.
Supplements I’ve talked to the doctor he says it’s safe to consume those.
I am doing cardio everyday 30 mins before weight training
Also I’m drinking around 4 liters water everyday
  1. Too much fat.
  2. Cut out all the nuts, you get enough fat from egg yolks.
  3. Divide chicken evenly in lunch and dinner.
  4. Cut liquid protein shake and swap with chicken. Cut all liquid calories in general.
  5. Take protein to 150gm-200gm per day and fats to 30-40gms.
  6. Every week check weight trends and keep cutting carbs to maintain weight loss as your metabolism adapts.
Cut paneer and peanut butter etc as well. Have a simple diet.

Breakfast eggs and oats

Lunch chicken and veggies.

Evening fruits.

Dinner same as lunch
@jenfer Okay, would it be fine if I take 500gm chicken breast because it would contain around 150 gm protein and 1000 calories. Is it bad? And from eggs I can take 4-5 eggs daily which would be 25-30 gm protein
@destined22 Yes, I have been doing that for a long time. I eat 7 eggs and 500gm chicken breast everyday. I take 2 yolks out and give to my street dog.
@nihal Haha you are outta your mind. High Protein on a cut stops muscle protein breakdown. Plenty of research in it. Going from 1gm per pound to 1.5gm per pound even keeping same calories has shown to increase fat loss and preserve more muscle.
@jenfer That's why I said it's a bit odd. Once he loses the over weight (includes muscle mass), then he should take more protein along with lifting heavy to build properly.
@nihal Do you realise protein to fat conversion is an extremely metabolic expensive conversion. First protein will be needed to convert into carbs and then into fat. Protein itself just has 25% thermic effect. This is where CICO fails miserably.
@destined22 You are doing everything right except counting your calories.

Your TDEE comes down to 2300 calories. So for 2kg weight loss. Your calories shouldn't go above 1800.

When did you start the diet? How are you feeling on the diet?

Increase the eggs and chicken slowly. If you are running out of calories then reduce other items. Protein is the king for weight loss. Everything else is secondary. Also don't use fried chicken. Instead sautée it with 1 spoon of ghee/butter. Prefer chicken breast over other fatty parts. Also Chicken breast is easy to calory count.

Teststorone Boosters don't work in long term. Instead take VitD3, Zinc and Boron.

Multi Vitamin are also waste of money. Instead take a blood test and supplment with whatever you have deficiency.
@destined22 I guess, you're consuming too much calories, I'm 89 and my cal consumption is 1400-1700. Also read about the macros and understand yourself, don't follow blindly what others tell you!
And if you're facing any issues while tracking your diet, you can use healthify me app, personally I feel it is better than myfitnesspal app.
@destined22 Stop eating nuts completely. They're healthy but I eat them when I want to get fat, i.e. bulk.

The amount of nuts and peanut butter you're eating for breakfast, you could replace them with ice cream and chocolates and probably lose weight.

So just cut out the nuts and lose the testosterone booster. The only thing that actually boosts testosterone chronically, not acutely, is exogenous testosterone, i.e. steroids.
@destined22 Brother, consult a reputed endocrinologist once. I was once the same weight. The doctor gave me a 1300 calorie diet per day which I used to eat for an evening snack. Can't comment much but its worth visiting a doctor who deal with diabetes and obesity.
Just commenting based on my experience, I was in the same situation but little more worse.

Cut down snacks (biscuits + sweets + namkeen etc), make sure you don't have any stocking of snacks at home, convince your parents.

Focus on cardio mainly, not just treadmills but include movements throughout the day like climbing stairs, going for a walk or going into a shopping mall etc.

Lifting weights is optional, understand that gym is mainly designed for bodybuilding. It feels good by lifting weights but there is no point in pushing yourself lifting heavy for weight loss. A pair of dumbbells at home will suffice for necessary resistance training.

Indian doctors don't RECOMMEND supplements, They PRESCRIBE medicines to treat your problem. Consult a better doctor.