Issues at the gym with 2 dudes

They rarely act like this when other men are in the gym.

Then they 1. Know what they're doing and 2. Can stop themselves. They're making women uncomfortable on purpose.

Report them to management, and if management doesn't do anything, start working out at home. Maybe your insurance will pay for home equipment or maybe it's just worth it to pay for your gym out of pocket, but your safety is paramount here.
@waiting_soul Exactly what I was going to say! @austinjoel2001, this absolutely sounds purposeful. I agree that going to management is the *correct* move, but also, if they invaded my space like that again, I would be speaking up to them. Just putting on your Mom Face and saying "Excuse me. Can I help you? I'm using this equipment right now." might be enough to scare these idiots off.

Only if you feel safe enough, of course.
@austinjoel2001 That’s beyond insane, and likely puts others at a safety risk. I’m sure if the management is aware of the safety risk, they will put a stop to it immediately. Contact them ASAP, and if it’s not completely stopped the very next time you go in, send a letter indicating that you are making them aware of this safety risk and that now that they are made aware, they will likely be held accountable if they do not take immediate action to put a stop to it and something were to happen.
@austinjoel2001 Snitch. They went into your personal space on purpose to mess with you. That is highly inappropriate and not something you should have to deal with working out. As you said, they didn't need to go near you. Snitch before the security videos are overwritten. Explain their behaviour has been awful. Ask other regulars to Snitch as well because they're behaving so badly.
@katalin95 Honestly, I have the same instinctual response. I got in a shouting match with a dude who ran a stop sign on my run the other day (he didn't even see me already entering the crosswalk before he even drove up, so I flipped him off). Afterwards, I sort of thought about it. This guy could have gotten out and beat the shit out of me, or shoot me or any number of things. Instead he settled on calling me a bitch. Lucky me, I guess.

So's satisfying in its own way, but it's not always the safest choice. Especially in a confined area when no one else is around to dissuade them from escalating. OP might be better served by just reporting them to management.
@katalin95 I’m similar in age and also have kiddos. I normally would say something if I wasn’t alone with them most of the time. I just don’t want to be assaulted with no way out of the gym (only one door) ☹️
@austinjoel2001 Go full feral. I was in a similar situation w a guy flexing and doing a set right behind me, like less than a foot behind me for no reason. I took obvious mirror selfies of us both and that got him to go away. I even posed for them lmao.

Walk fully in these guys path so they have to veer out of the way for you. If they talk to you, fully ignore it. Sneer at them if they stare at you. They get off on the power/control of the area but they can’t take yours.
@austinjoel2001 What a couple of jackasses. I'm confrontational so I def would've told them to get move away from me but yes, talk to management. Hopefully they'd be willing to do something about it.
@austinjoel2001 I agree with the comments suggesting you talk to management. They can pull up camera footage and see these chucklefucks running around and being unsafe and annoying. If you need a script:

"Recently, when I've been coming to the gym in the evenings, there are two younger guys who have been behaving in an unsafe and rude manner. They take up all the equipment, dash between rooms, and do not respect personal space. I am concerned for my safety, and would appreciate it if you would address this situation."

Another alternative to chatting them up (and I totally get the Minnesota nice thing, I'm native midwestern as well) would be just to quickly let them know they're out of line. "Dude, back off!" loudly and firmly when they're getting up close to you-- just like you're scolding a naughty puppy. Grey-rock that shit, don't engage any further, just repeat "back off!" as many times as you need to and otherwise ignore.
@austinjoel2001 I think you have a good plan on contacting management and letting them know this is going on. This is 100% why they are there to help create a safe environment in the gym. Which is a huge concern to a lot of gyms if there is pandemonium going on.

I also like what another poster said and let them know that you have talked to people and if it doesn't change you will be cancelling and going elsewhere. That is incredibly rude and not proper gym etiquette. I don't know if you have any signs up but mine has signs up all over saying you can only use a set amount of weights and be on the machines for an appropriate amount of time. So it's posted but might not be at yours.

As for their behavior, this is not normal, nor is this acceptable. I had a guy get right in front of me almost the same situation and his butt was in my face. I took out my headphones and politely asked if he could move and he genuinely didn't realize he was in front of me. Some people have that tunnel vision working out and that's okay. They are in the zone. It sounds like these 2 are trying to intimidate you and other patrons with how intense they are and that's not a safe environment. It's not safe for you, other's, or even them if they are flying around the gym.

Get mgmt involved and if you feel comfortable speak up next time and politely ask for some space. That's absolutely mortifying they get that close and don't realize or intimidate like that. I'm sorry, some people just don't get it. Good luck and get those workouts in!
@austinjoel2001 Call during staffed hours and let them know this is going on. Tell them that they will lose customers (if others are leaving it's not just you) if they haven't already unless this is addressed. Are they prepared for potential lawsuits if you or someone else is injured by these guys running around, being aggressive, etc? If the gym has cameras, you can tell them a general time that this intimidating behavior is happening. Channel your very best inner Karen. This is exactly the kind of situation that actually calls for it.