Jeff Nippard’s New Exercises


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Have you all seen his TikTok highlighting some “new” exercises that he recommends in his new pure hypertrophy program?

Link below:

To me, it’s a bit wild. I usually think of Jeff as one of the “no-bs” fitness influencers, but I guess you have to continue to sell shit to keep the money coming in.

What do you think?
@ray0174 I’m sure they all work just fine. Too complicated to necessitate themselves though. I can hit all these muscles with more established workouts and without crawling around on the floor of my gym
@ray0174 I like the Smith Squat one the most and honestly think if I went hard enough I'd puke. 10/10 will try.

I think he's trying to integrate a lot of the "stretch" aspect that's been going around lately. So the side delt one makes sense. Especially if cables are busy I can see it being a bit better than just standing dumbbell lateral raises.

There's no world where I'm going to do the lat one lying on the ground.
@mike230 I’ve been doing that one too. I’m up for trying the smith squat, sometimes I do something like a hack squat in a smith machine. The prone bone I’d only do at home.
@yoli24 The side delt one - I like the idea of laying on the bench like that, but doing one rep in front of your body & one rep behind back & forward to me just reeks of over complication.
@rosejan1 Availability I guess. If all the cables are busy. Also light dumbbells may go up in smaller increments than a cable so could be useful for weight selection.
@ray0174 I’m all for optimal stuff but some of these exercises take longer to set up than do 3 sets to failure of traditional exercisss lol
@ray0174 The first two exercises aren’t even that bad. They’re basically just variations that emphasize the lengthened partial in the stretch position, which is quite popular these days since there are a few studies supporting it. Granted the last exercise just seems silly. It probably works fine, but no way I’m lying on the floor unless it’s my own home.
@ray0174 I think Jeff and others like him need to invent as many different types of unnecessary exercises so ppl continue paying for their content. A DB raise and a single arm cable raise is all you need. You can hit different angles by wrist and torso positioning.
@paulsimmonds60 I partially agree — some of this new age long-length partial movements seems very gimmicky and I doubt its safety and/or effectiveness in the long run, but also, this stuff serves as new ways to progress for more advanced trainees.