Just for fun: what’s everyone’s favorite fitness/health “fact” that’s been debunked?

@notaperfectchristian Well I mean there was a time when people drank their own urine. So who fucking knows. I remember my best friend at the time telling me she drank her first morning piss in the shower and I almost had a stroke. She got mad when I told her it wasn't sterile.
@huffygal Years ago my friend, a PT, said this and I will never forget it:
gesturing to a bodybuilder

"Half my day is explaining to women they won't look like that, and the other half is explaining to men that they won't look like that."
@simple_man I wanted to look like that and I had to go through 4 PTs before I found one who would help me even try to bulk as a 20 year old woman in the 2010s.

I kept getting “oh no honey, you don’t EVER want to use dumbbells heavier than 10 pounds or you’ll hurt yourself.” Lady, I work in a warehouse. I could quite literally squat you without warming up.

And also “you don’t want to get bigger, men don’t like muscular women.” Good thing I don’t care!
@huffygal Ugh I hear this one all the time! I see these videos all over social media of like “do this lil arm circle workout for lean feminine arms” and it’s so frustrating cause if you wanna build muscle you gotta get lifting
@huffygal Soooo many overly concerned (usually gen x and boomer women) people warning against getting too bulky. As if you can "accidentally" bulk. Muscle growth takes so much effort.
@jimsfaust I heard it from elder-millennial dance teachers growing up too :/ like girly it is 2007 and you are 25, don’t tell children their thighs are going to get bulky lmao
@huffygal Right or instantly cause bulking. Like damn I wish 😂 Science says the best we can hope for is 1-1.5 pounds of new muscle mass A MONTH and that’s if you’re eating at peak levels to build it.
@notaperfectchristian My least favorite one is that lower stomach fat is there to “protect your uterus” or that it’s “just your uterus sticking out”. That’s not true at all and it’s wild how much people repeat it. There’s nothing wrong with lower stomach fat but let’s at least be factual about it lol

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