Just for fun: what’s everyone’s favorite fitness/health “fact” that’s been debunked?

@csh97 As someone who has had their omentum but not uterus removed (i.e., the organ or layer of fat protecting the uterus that people use as the excuse), I can sadly confirm that I still have a bit of lower stomach fat xD so yeeep, I agree, I don't really think the omentum can be used as an excuse for the extra fat like people say
@kjohnson81 If you feel comfortable sharing… why did you have your omentum removed? I’m truly interested, because that doesn’t fall into the category of “internal body parts potentially needing removal” in my admittedly non-medically-trained brain. (I do know that theoretically anything might need to come out, but usually it seems like those are things like organs with an active function, not a passive/protective element of the body.)
@warrioress Sure thing, happy to share. Also, I 100% agree with you - the omentum absolutely has a function. I'm also not in medicine, but I have read that it's closely connected to the lymphatic system and plays a role in drainage. I definitely need to be more careful with eating and constipation now that I don't have it. So far, no problems - but I can imagine issues will come later as I age. For sure.

Mine was removed because I had ovarian cancer. I think it's common to remove it for many intestinal cancers and such, as the omentum is tricky and likes to "store" the cancer cells. I also think part of it is removed for hysterectomies but not all of it? All of mine was removed... I now have a very, very long vertical scar, haha. But I'm okay so far and that is what counts!
@csh97 Yes. This one is tough. There are definitely people who just carry a lil extra there because of their body type but it also has to do with muscle, the posture or rotation of your pelvis and so much more
@ponka It’s subcutaneous fat there which women store more of whereas men store visceral fat due to different amounts of oestrogen and testosterone
@csh97 To me this one got run away in a game of telephone. "[Cis] Women store more fat on average than [cis] men" became "[cis] Women require a higher % of fat than [cis] men" became "it's because biologically cis women may need higher fat reserves in case of pregnancy" became "You have body fat because uterus" became "Body fat is actively protecting uterus" became "Body fat isn't body fat, it is your uterus"

Like there is truth to 'cis women will generally have a harder time than cis men getting to a low enough BF% for visible abs / to have no lower belly fat present at all' but it's gotten morphed into something strange. I get the point of the original statement though - for a lot of cis women chasing the dream of having NO belly fat at all is not realistic, and I think that's what the (original) point was - it is okay, natural, and for many unavoidable to have fat there.
@csh97 I came here to say the same thing. Isn’t your uterus like the size of a walnut or something? No way it can poke out of your skin like that lol.

I’ve had lower belly fat even at my lowest adult weight (96 lbs at 5’0”). I blame it on genetics. I was not meant for a super flat lower stomach.
@csh97 On petite people I imagine that (outside of cycle based bloating) a lot of this is actual intestines pushing out. Obviously it looks a little different with or without a couple inches of subcutaneous fat, but for some of us there really is only so much space… I can have a six pack and feel like my stomach is large… until I take my fiber supplement lol. Then I suddenly have a flat stomach after a couple of large poops 🤷🏼‍♀️
@loveforanimals This assumption overestimates the average size differences between people, and assumes that your organs wouldn't also be slightly petite relative to taller people, which they generally are. For most people your organs are going to be proportional to your height.

Bloating is absolutely real, don't get me wrong, and bowel movements will impact how your stomach appears / feels - just want to clarify that it's not because your organs are too big for your body / there isn't enough space, and BMs will impact this for most anyone regardless of height.