Just had surgery, can’t lift for 6-8 weeks


New member
I’m dying on the inside, apparently literally and figuratively. Had a somewhat urgent gall bladder removal done last week, and while I’m thankful it got done successfully, I’m not supposed to lift anything over 10 lbs for 6-8 weeks. I’ve been really regimented about getting into the gym 5+ times per week for the last couple years, and while I know it’s not totally accurate, I feel like all my progress is going to evaporate. Any suggestions on exercises I can play around with while I wait? Obviously there’s gonna be plenty of time for cardio, at least.
@logann Follow your doctor's orders. 6-8 weeks is nothing, but messing around and making that 6+ months is a poor choice.

Manage your diet, get nice and properly recovered and then ease back into it when you're cleared. You'll be back to square a few weeks later.
@logann Oh I feel you completely. I was hospitalized when I developed (redacted) and lost 35 pounds about 1/5 of my body weight in six weeks. After I got out when I was on the mend I could not lift for 8 weeks. I almost caused myself a divorce when my wife found me moving an unloaded barbell. One of the hardest times of my life but..

I came back stronger and tacked on a series of PRs and am in even better shape. Just relax and focus on healing. Walk if you want to and whatever's but the barbell will be waiting for you. And when you come back start impossibly light.
@logann You’re fine use the time to heal your joints and give your body some rest it’s not going to kill you

It’s all in your head

You could take 6 months off and be back to where you were in a month or so and in the grand scheme of things that isn’t a long time

Eat at a surplus
Get your protein in
You’ll be fine that’s just your gym
Brain over reacting
@logann Ask your doc, resistance band , with very slow eccentric moves , really focus / squeezing the concentric . If u wanted to you could sit there and concentrate curling with no weight/ tri ext and flex and hold and you could get a pump. Dude used to do it at my old gym . That won't create new growth but will create blood flow to the muscles and stimulate them that way , and just from a psych standpoint, the pump will help . Best of luck , rest up.
@logann Similar boat here. Two months post hernia-op, here. Haven’t been to the gym the entire time. I’ve actually lost a few pounds while eating in a slight surplus. Probably lost a little muscle, but hopefully mostly glycogen and water weight from not taking creatine the entire time.

I’ve gained about an inch on my waistline though, so lost a little muscle and gained a little fat - but, been getting plenty of rest and good nutrition which is the most important part.

Just been cleared to lift again, so I expect to get back to where I was two months ago pretty quickly. In summary, don’t worry too much. Take this time to rest and focus on other hobbies and obligations. Keep up your protein intake and don’t eat in too much of a calorie surplus (but don’t be in a deficit either, your body needs the calories to heal). You should be able to maintain your gains for a few months, no problem.
@logann Alongside sleeping lots and taking the time to develop optimum nutrition habits, you could consider the following when you are sufficiently recovered but still not ready to lift:
- mobility work
- invest your time into learning eg nutrition or physiology
- shoulder “pre-hab” to get them bulletproof with strong rotator cuffs
@logann Two years ago, I had my appendix removed. It was a bit more complicated than usual, as it had ruptured. I was told to wait 8-12 weeks.

I tried getting back to it after a week and really fucked myself up. Then I had to wait EVEN LONGER. Give it time to heal. If you rush back and hurt yourself, you’ll have to wait even longer.