Kettlebell Programming


New member
Hi Guys!

I've been doing F45 for about a year and have really enjoyed the kettle bell exercises in some of the sessions. Therefore I've been trying to research and educate myself on developing a program for home around some of the fundamental exercises; TGU's, C&P, Swings, Snatch and Squats.

I came across Mark Wildman on Youtube (link below), which has a series on developing a program with the exercises above. I have two questions after watching the videos which would apply to most kettlebell programs If I could get some help on please.
  1. It is mentioned in his weekly program that you perform each exercise twice, however one day (light) which is at 60% of your maximum reps and the other day which is at 80% (heavy) of your maximum reps. Is there a rough guide on what the rep count might be for the light and heavy days?
  2. The second is when to determine to go up a weight, should I increase the reps first? for example if my light day is 10 reps for swings and 5 for heavy should I get to 10 reps of the heavy weight before then going up a weight and resetting back to 5 reps?

Thanks in advance!
@anewlifeinjc3 I use his tetris of training for the last 7 months and the light and heavy way works better with volume, so lets say you do 26 reps a minute with a 20 kg for 10 minutes , 10 x 26 × 20 = 5200 kg and the other day you do 16 reps with the 24 kg for 10 minutes, 10 x 16 x 24 = 3840 kg, so your heavy day is with the 20 kg (more volume) and the light with the heavier wheight (less volume).
In my experience you should go up in wheight when you can complete with good form all the sets with 40 - 50 seconds of work and 20 - 10 seconds of rest. For the squat you could go 30 - 40 work and 30 - 20 rest... you could always push for more rounds ( Max i did das 14 and 16 rounds) but your form has to be legit.