King sized killer phase 2 slow progress


New member
Doing dfw spoiled me I think. I progress my reps weekly the whole time. Snatches progressed in phase 1 but I’ve hit a wall in phase 2. Phase 2 is the 3,6,9 then 3,6 then 3,6,9,12. I think it’s the cardio aspect that’s my main roadblock. I’m doing a fair amount of extras before each KSK workout and progressing nicely in those but man, these snatches have me sucking air lol. Debating on doing phase 3 (9,15,12) or moving on to a different program for a month or two. Did y’all do phase 3?
@dixieriderxx I’ve only done phase 1 with doubles.

My guess is that you need to start jogging or cycling.

Sets of 15 snatches isn’t bad at all IMO, but I guess if you have no cardio base it could suck.
@learnandbloom Thought I had a cardio base lol. Routinely do the ski erg and rower. Haven’t been running in awhile though. I also suspect my weight training before the KSK session is sapping me a bit.
@dixieriderxx I just started phase two but sets of twelve suck lol. Really makes those snatch sets in GS competitions look extra insane.

Hurts my hands more than my lungs though.
@lbeebe48 Yup, I can tell you in GS after 5 or 6 minutes of snatch your perception of time, life and oxygen changes. And when they do 5 min comp sets is even worse. They have to go faster. It's a different kind of animal.