Life struggles!


New member
This is not a post to get sympathy or anything like just help/advice would be great!

Basically I'm 36, single dad that when my ex wife cheated on me 5 years ago I started going to the gym and suffer from pression now which is a pain in my arse when cones to motivation and commiting to the gym, not a relationship haha. So I got a personal trainer for 3 months and he taught me all fundamentals I didnt know about the gym. So I've done a hell of a lot better over last 4 years.

My problem. I weigh 120ish kg, 6ft2. A fair amount of muscle but a fair amount of fat to boot with it. Get up at 5am for work, trying to juggle 9 hours manual labour work, seeing the kids, a social life and depression my energy to go to the gym is mostly 0 haha. And dieting to get abit leaner is a no go haha.

So looking for tips/tricks/hacks etc to help with energy levels, diet when I'm a big guy who eats a fair lot to keep me going and does have trouble snacking or eating poo carbs. The gym isn't the problem I think it's mainly them 2 things that are my stumbling block

@renewed82 If you're doing a manual labour job and go to the gym you will have to eat quite a lot to get enough energy.

Some ideas:
  • get your carbs from whole wheat flour and other not highly processed food. This way, your blood sugar and insulin won't go on a roller coaster and the need to get a snack in between will be less
  • don't drink stuff with sugar in it
If I get hungry in the evening, I often eat a slice of bread (whole meal) with crunched peanuts on it (in German "ernussmus", which is like peanut butter, but is made of peanuts only, no added sugar and other stuff). A snack like that gives carbs and fat and protein, but doesn't make you want to eat another snack and another ...

Sorry, I'm not an expert in this stuff, baseline is: If you need to eat a lot, be sure to eat the right stuff. Stuff with lots of fibre in it will last much longer till you get hungry again.