Longevity & You


New member
Does anyone have solid data on crossfitter longevity? Or perhaps longevity related to powerlifts?

Anecdotally I know many people who have never had injuries, and just as many that have had injuries.

I specifically am interested in longevity related to heavy squats, deadlifts, C & L, presses, and the snatch.

I'm wondering if the data shows that programming biased towards Met Con actually has the most favorable results, than biasing to power movements.

@alandavis51 I've been Crossfitting for just over 5 years and have never really had an injury. I tweaked my calf sprinting once, and occasionally get a sore back after deadlifting, but that's it.

However, I am not trying to compete, Crossfit is just a way for me to stay in shape, I "workout to live" rather than "live to workout".

I do all the workouts at Rx and my strength numbers have been increasing slowly almost every year (5-15 pounds per lift usually) but I'm not really pushing it too hard.

I'm 47 and can see doing this for 5+ more years at least. There are weeks where there are 5 tough workouts and I feel pretty crappy by the end of the week, I just don't recover like I used to, so I can see scaling back the workouts at some point. But if you can keep control of your ego and don't need to be on top of the whiteboard every day I think you can do this for years and years.
@alandavis51 Go to any powerlifting or weightlifting comp. Just look at all the officials and judges and organisers who are ex-lifters and they are all broken people- limping, bent-over, bad hips, bung knees, hobbling & wincing with each step, sore backs, shoulders, crook necks...

But hey; don't just take my word for it, talk to them - ask them about their injuries: they love telling people about all their operations and fusions and compressed disks and ruptures, as to them it somehow macho validates that they "went hard" at it. It's a shame...

Source: I trained with some national level weightlifters.
@allison77 Yeah, but crossfit isn't a sport. It's a GPP program focused on wellness and longevity. There's competitive crossfit, aka the crossfit games and other competitions, but that's the sport of fitness.
@itiswellwithmysoul78 "Injuries" covers a broad spectrum of maladies; life-long musculoskeletal function/mobility debilitation and pain is very different from a blister. I am a huge CF supporter, my warning is for the "ego lifting1rep max" power/weightlifters -who all seem to be broken wrecks in retirement.