Low calorie count + workouts = tired

@unhappymale Hmmm - in that case we're back to the scenario where that's a worryingly low calorie recommendation then.

You mentioned in an earlier post that you'd been measure as having a lower than average BMR for your height/weight. How exactly was this measured? Unless it was done in lab style conditions with a medical professional, I'd question that assessment.

Either way, this all still comes back to the fact that your energy levels being dreadful is almost certainly due to lack of calories to support what you're actually doing on a day to day basis.
@unhappymale Please don't disregard your own medically tested numbers for generic advice. I also have a "slow" BMR for my height, and I maintain at around 1800 calories at 6' tall. I also cut at 1200 calories. For me, the tired feeling can come from being low carb, but not low enough to go into full ketosis and become fat adapted.
@unhappymale Your BMR is what your body needs to function so at least eat 1350. Your TDEE is calculated by how much energy you expend during the day. The more you work out the more energy of course. At your activity level you would multiply your 1.50 which would give you a total of like 2050 calories. So you are eating 800 under that per day thats why you are so tired. I would try eating at least 300 more per day. If you are would about gaining weight eat more protein.
@unhappymale Your BMR is your Basal Metabolic Rate, or the number of calories your body needs to run when you lay in bed all day and do absolutely nothing. You should never diet below this rate at risk of tissue breakdown instead of just fat loss.

What you should be going on is your TDEE or total daily energy expedature, or how many calories you burn in a day. The deficit should come from that, never your BMR
@unhappymale BMR is what your body burns just to exist, like if you lay in bed in a coma all day.

You are doing far activity more than that; no wonder you feel exhausted!

How much do you weigh?
@cartesian12 I was going to say this too. It's normal to gain that much in a day because you are eating and drinking water. My weight fluctuates all the time. That's why I only weigh myself about once a week and focus more on trends and measurements. I think with what you're saying, your relationship with food and nutrition is not well.

I am 5'1 and I lose a weight on 1300-1400 calories a day. I would not recommend you doing that, especially being way more active and taller than me.
@unhappymale Why do they have you eating below your BMR? If your BMR is 1,350 and you are exercising, and ya know not sitting in bed entirely immobile during the rest of your waking hours, your TDEE is probably at least 1,900 calories per day. 1,250 would be a 650 calorie deficit MINIMALLY. That makes zero sense.
@apples1014 Oh i know! But for the OP to be feeling some adverse effects that could be attributed to a low calorie diet for her height, checking thyroid issues could help. She might just have a naturally low BMR or there could be something causing it :)
@unhappymale I'm curious is the nutritionist a Registered Dietitian? It seems dangerous that he/she would recommend a count below your BMR. It sounds like a recipe for muscle and tissue breakdown, possible hormonal problems, hair loss etc.
@unhappymale 1200 is way too low for someone your height who is running that much. Did your nutritionist recommend this amount? I would find a different nutritionist if so.

I'm 5'2", 49 years old, and active -- I never go below 1450 per day when I'm dieting; and you are 8 inches taller than me!