Low ferritin (i.e. iron storage) diagnosis and treatment update


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Background: I posted about two months ago that I went to the doctor because I just generally felt like crap (fatigue, headache, etc) and they decided the best approach was to throw all the blood tests at me.

The result was that I had extremely low (14ug/L) ferritin levels. In context, you should have upward of 100ug/L and preferably in th 200 range. You can (like I did) also have low ferritin while still showing normal hemoglobin results - this is called non-anemic iron deficiency.

Of note, symptoms of low ferritin include headaches, fatigue, weakness, always being cold, irritability, shortness of breath, dizziness, sore leg muscles, and lowered immune system. I experienced elevated symptoms right after my period.

VERY IMPORTANT is that these same symptoms can be caused by other deficiencies, and too much iron is also bad. Don't start supplementing without seeing your doctor and getting a blood test.​

Anyway, two months down the road of daily iron supplements (with Vit C) and I'm seeing massive improvements both in my fitness and non-fitness life. I wake up more easily in the morning, I can think more clearly at work, and the constant feeling of forcing myself to do exercise, or not doing it because I just felt like I'd run out of steam, is going away.

I have always been and continued to be (even throughout the undiagnosed phase) very active. The low ferritin just made it way way harder, but as I've always had good exercise habits, I pushed myself to maintain those habits.

Low ferritin levels can affect your aerobic capacity (VO2 max) and your lactic acid production. Over the last two months, I've noticed a significant improvement in both my performance and my recovery time. I can bike commute to work on top of my regular rides - something that I found impossible to motivate myself to do previously.

I even bumped up from intermediate to expert in my local cycling race series last week! Although I still got tromped cause daaaaamn those ladies are fast.

Anyway, I thought the update would be interesting from the fitness and performance perspective.
@ally143 Anyone experience slurred speech, forgetfulness, and anxiety from low ferritin? I also have had extreme jitteriness after any form of iron supplementation, even capsules of freeze dried liver, and chest pain from IV infusion, so I’m at my wits end.
@ally143 My doc just told me no big deal I'm freaky frustrated

Agitated, feel weak, use to run 15-20 miles a week I'm now running two

My ferritin is an 8 my iron is normal
@ally143 I'm currently trying to fix my iron and I'm glad I found your post. My ferritin is 8 again. I have pernicious anemia and to be honest I have so many health issues I simply forgot I had PA for a long time so my ferritin crashed and my iron saturation too. My ferritin usually doesn't want to go above 25 with supplements so I'm finally seeing a hematologist and braving an iron IV. I've never felt great in my teen and adult life and I'm sure its because my ferritin has never been optimal!

But the biggest issue lately is I cant catch my breath at the gym and it's pissing me off. I get blood work and see the 8 ferritin and I'm like GDAMNIT.
@vkm My ferritin is currently 7 and my doctor says it’s within the normal range... time to look for a hematologist. I’ve also felt like you all of my life. Always tired and not great, and foggy.
@jwf Same thing just happened to me! Doctor (a female) said it is normal in menstruating women and maybe I could consider taking iron pills if I wanted to 😂 Meanwhile the WHO says adults less than 15 are deficient. Even the lab results flagged it. Jeez
@jwf Ugh gross.. yeah I think 15 is still technically in range but that's awfully low too. All my doctors said ideally 90 is best. I've never felt what 90 feels like LOL.

I saw a hematologist for the first time this week and it was amazing. I lucked out with him. He spent over an hour with me and is scheduling an iron absorption test basically fast, blood draw, take 300 mg iron and wait an hour get more blood then blood again after the next hour. He wants to see how well I absorb it. I know its gonna make me sick af taking that much and being without food over night and hours after. Not looking forward to it
@gospelmusic If you can remember to reply to this in June that's when I'll know lol. I started hemaplex (the one with folate and methylcobalamin not folic acid and cyanocobalamin I guess theres two kinds). I'm giving that 2 months. If my ferritin doesnt go to at least 30 then my dr said stop effing around and just get the infusion Venofer.. I'm super nervous. My coworker is doing 200mg of this once a week for 6 weeks. She was ok after the first one or two and now she's walking around at work sick af from the iron flu with a fever and said it will pass. I'm going to get 100mg 2 times a week at first and if I tolerate it then 200mg twice a week for 3 weeks.

But I'll tell you Hemaplex is really nauseating me later in the day I take it in the morning and it's a slow release iron and if I dont have food in my stomach at all times i feel sick and i have weird intestinal cramping almost like menstrual cramping from it. My hair is falling out like crazy too since starting oral iron. My dr said my body needs months to adjust to taking in iron

I've never felt what optimal ferritin feels like so I'm excited but also really worried!
@vkm Thank you so much!! And yeah I’m trying iron supplements still (since 2018) but my ferritin has been stuck between 11-16. I’m also giving if until July and will do infusions if it hasn’t gotten significantly higher! The iron flu and just having a bad reaction to Venofer scares me but not more than what can happen to my body if I keep at these low levels. I feel like my brain just can’t function for long periods these days. Thanks again for your response, I’ll definitely reach back out!
@ladysparkle Solgar! The best! When I was pregnant no pharmacy iron pills would increase my ferritin levels, just solgar pills. I tried everything and even asked for injections, but they refused. So I took Solgar 25mg×2 a day. The only pill that worked for me.
@ally143 I want to say thank you. My haemoglobin was fine (they check when you donate blood) but I was getting more and more lethargic. Your post prompted me to get a blood test, and ferrtin was the cause. With the help of some supplements and porridge I feel amazing.