@rousillon It really depends and changes. On a week like
this where I end up hitting chest three times I would have done a day of flat, incline, and the other would be decline. But I’m hitting each body part at the very least twice a week every week.
Arms is the only part that gets less. My arms are too large for my needs already, so they get much less volume since I combine biceps and triceps together.
3-4 triple sets per workout on average.
Each exercise has at lease 4 sets, compounds up to 6-8 sets.
Bulk is 5-12 reps per exercise per set.
Cut is 8-15 (up to 20) reps per exercise per set.
Plus I do accessories which I’m not accounting for which can add volume imo as well. Especially things like pull-ups and push-ups.
Hope some of that makes sense.