Marathon Training


New member
I'm training for a half-marathon while also doing crossfit 3 days a week. Anyone have any knowledge or experience with this? I feel healthier than I have ever felt. I'm wondering if I'm sacrificing performance or should everything improve over time. After a month, I don't feel that my cardio has improved during the HIIT part b of my crossfit workout. And I'm also wondering if the heavy lifting part a, could negatively affect my goal of running my fastest time in the half. I have about 8 weeks left before the race. My plan is to run 4 days a week and crossfit 3 days for the next 6 weeks. On the last two weeks, I'll drop crossfit. Thoughts?
@truthnotfiction I ran a half last October, and was on a similar schedule (3-4 days running, 2-3 days CrossFit). I find CrossFit makes me a better runner and vice versa. I did somewhat cherry pick my WODs (like not doing a heavy squat day the day before my long run.) It was a little tough mentally, as I find CrossFit way more fun than running, and had a little FOMO on the days I wasn’t there. But it went well and I slightly PRed my half, which at age 50, I’m quite happy with. You’ll do great! Just listen to your body and take unscheduled rest days when needed. And don’t be surprised if your appetite is through the roof when the mileage gets highly.
@truthnotfiction I’m doing the same. My half marathon is April 7th and will be my first. I’m surprised that my body has held up as well as it has while doing both. That said on any run over 4 miles I just lock in at a ten minute pace so I’m not exactly flying out there. Will run 23 miles this week total. I plan on doing both up until the race unless my body tells me differently.
@savasa82 Ha! You sound like a true cross fitter. I was lying a little with my original question. The real question is whether I should do two-a-days, run and CrossFit on the same day like I did yesterday. ☺️but I know I sound like a nut case and I can hear the finger wagging already!
@truthnotfiction Haha I gotcha. I have been doing two a days 4 days a week. I run in the mornings then WOD in the afternoon. I only do a long (8+ mile) run once a week and don’t do anything else on those days. Then 1 day a week I won’t run when I do CrossFit. Then I rest on Sundays. Honestly my 41 year old self has never felt better. I’m cautious and deliberate to avoid overuse and injury especially in distance running which is new to me.
@truthnotfiction Congrats on the commitment, marathon is a very very big goal to achieve. If you want to improve your cardio, complement it with strength straining. Do not underestimate rest and sleep. Maintain good nutrition habits. Carbs during your running days/day before the run are your friend! Keep your mind focused on the journey, not on the goal. You will need to dedicate a lot of your time for training. You will need to sacrifice some things. Eventually you will be able to reach your goal, but keep your head down. Humility and consistency is the key.
@truthnotfiction Im into marathon, and as you said i never felt healthier, no more pain anywhere. Low back is ok. But all my crossfit fitness is gone!

Try to put what will help you in both worlds: Monostructural engine with ergos.
@truthnotfiction I try to run per week:

1 Long distance +15km (sunday)

2 Slow Run in zone 2 (tuesday/thrusday)

1 Monostructural piece (ex: 7' ON 1 Off x6: Ski, Echo, Ski, Echo, Ski, Echo) (Friday)

then maybe one or two crossfit workout (wednesday or saturday)
@truthnotfiction 1:11 marathoner here : you will compromise both a bit there is no going around it.

If you want to train without compromises drop it entirely. That being said I'm running 7/7 and going crossfit 6/7 and I am hitting my fastest times ever so personal experience is that it doesnt matter.

I would actually turn your scheme around a bit : do as many running days during the leadup, but cut down in running volume in the final 1/2 weeks before the HM. You can do some crossfit before the HM. Just dont do real heavy lifting in the final week.
@truthnotfiction Are you currently using a running schedule - because those usually note the cross-training or rest days. My favorite for a Half was the Hal Higdon plan and I'd just do xfit on the rest days.

The HH plan above is for 12 weeks, I hope you already started running regularly because training in 8 weeks might be rough for a newcomer unless your goal is to just finish - which is totally ok too!
@truthnotfiction Sounds like a good plan. Personally I only got faster with running through Half/Regular marathon training because the WOD's running were always just sprints to me. Apparently I needed the long runs with integrated sprinting to get faster overall - but that's just me!

You're doing fine though, just take it easy when you need to and keep the bigger goal in mind.
I don't feel that my cardio has improved during the HIIT part b of my crossfit workout.

That's to be expected tbh, half-marathons are distance training, not speed. I run ultras and strength train alongside them, so sometimes two-a-days are part of that. What matters more than anything else is whether the training is complementary, as well as that training's timing— are you hitting a big squat session before speedwork, for example. Dropping crossfit for the taper is a good idea. You should be fine.