Mod Post: The Ideal Gym

@bear321 I worked on the property of this place that had retracting windows on the pool room. So insulated and heated in winter, open all the windows in the summer so it's pretty much outside. Very simple life. Ordinary folks.
@acer621 Everyone puts their weights back in the correct spot - e.g. no 5kg weight plates hiding behind a bunch of 20kg weight plates.

Also, complimentary post workout coffee and smoothies.
@acer621 Permanent banning? No, in my fantasy gym everyone is lovely and models pro-social behaviour so this is rarely a problem. Disapproval from other gym members will shame the few delinquents into tidying up.
Among much else in my ideal gym, there would be some fucking stringent rules around social media. For example:
  • If you use social media to harass people who go to the gym, it's an instant ban. If you want to ask someone out, do it face to face. Any harassment over social media, whether that be sexual in nature or otherwise means you get beaten to death with a kettlebell.
  • If you take a pic of yourself in the gym and others are in the shot, you need their express permission before posting it online
  • There would be a whole room with excellent lighting that would be dedicated to photo taking. Take your photos in there.
  • In fact, the whole gym would have excellent lighting
@acer621 This is eye-opening and makes me that much happier that I don’t have social media these days. I got rid of Facebook 7+ years ago and it’s been over a year since I deleted my IG. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that people abuse or misuse social media within a gym environment, but rules like this make me realize that I made the right decision.