Most important non-gym habits?

@jazideezap The american way: Just pop a pill 💊😂

In all seriousness: Talk to your doc before taking random stuff based on internet advice. At least if you’re serious about the “devastating” nature of your issue.

And yes, I realize that I sound European.
@atlassalta As someone who has struggled with sleep for a long time, sleep focused cannabis products have helped so much. If you’re in a legal state it’s something to check out. I have pills (edibles) as well as an oil vape. If I wake up in the middle of the night, vape. If I’m going through a rough patch of sleep, the pills.
@obeythe84th I actually quit weed because of the effect on my sleep. Weed can reduce your REM sleep so your sleep is not as restful as it could be. I always woke up feeling like I hadn’t slept at all.
@yeswin There's all sorts of calorie counters, etc out there. I just took the approach of 'just a bit less' with every meal, snack, etc. Maybe 15-20% less every time. Making it a conscious choice. It's not the most scientific or best method. But over time it adds up and is very sustainable in my experience.
@cleebrin Adding to the easy life-hacks: munching on, say, broccoli, or any other raw veggie in that pre-dinner snackiness time really takes the edge off. It's also filling, meaning I take smaller portions at dinner.
@omar I need to fix my sleep, being a night owl but having to leave for work at 6 a.m. is killing me. A coworker wakes up at 4:45 to work out but idk if I could ever realistically swing that
@omar 90 days sober and it's given me the drive to get back in the gym and running again. Haven't been this consistent in like 7 years
@yeswin Since the obvious ones are taken- I’ll add mental health and social support. Long term loneliness is a killer, and gym habits will be first to drop off entirely if mental health starts to crack
What should I prioritize in terms of my lifestyle outside of the gym?

Get at least 8 hours of sleep. Here's what sleep does for you:
  • During sleep, the body releases human growth hormone (HGH), which plays a crucial role in muscle repair and growth. HGH stimulates protein synthesis, the process by which damaged muscle fibers are repaired and new muscle tissue is built.
  • Lack of sleep leads to gaining weight / difficulty losing weight even when eating same calories. Every one knows calories in / calories out saying, but calories out is affected by a lot of factors including sleep.
  • Lack of sleep affect your mental health, raises stress hormones which in turn inhibits a ton of body functions, from hunger regulation to insulin sensitivity. Lack of sleep is linked to increased risk of several types of cancer, diabetes, and heart attacks.
The one thing you can do your health is get enough quality sleep. "Enough" often means going to bed earlier than you do. "Quality", among other things, means stop eating about 2 or better yet 3 hours before bed. As in, nothing with calories or taste. Stop drinking caffeine about 8 or better yet 10 hours before bed. This includes sodas, coffee, tea, etc. "But bikes_and_music, caffeine doesn't affect me!" - it does. It affects 100% of population, there's no exception. Some people don't notice effect on wakefulness and can fall asleep easy however this will not be a good quality sleep.