Most important non-gym habits?

@stardustypsyche To add on to your point about lack of sleep causing weight gain, studies have shown that if someone is in a calorie deficit and isn't getting enough sleep, they'll actually lose significantly more muscle and lean mass than someone who is sleeping well. So getting enough sleep actually helps you burn more fat while retaining more muscle!
@yeswin I like that you recognize that taking on too much will overwhelm you and basically be a zero sum game. I feel that overlooking that is most people's mistake. With that being said, I would make the small first step of setting daily water and protein intake goals.

Protein = .8g per lb. of body weight (128 grams a day for you).

Water = bodyweight/2 in ounces (80 oz for you).

People will argue about the ideal amount of protein or whether or not water is important, don't let that make you hesitate or not do either of those. Get your protein and water daily goals taken care of and you'll see results. Which will hopefully encourage you to make other changes.

Also you mentioned your sleep but you didn't stress it too much so I'm kind of working on the assumption that it's not a really significant issue (yet). When it's an issue your words about it will surely be more significant. Sleep can be one of the hardest things to get right if it's not going well. Also, get some cardio. Your heart is the most important muscle to keep healthy.
@yeswin Sleep, I use a Whoop band and was noticing my recovery wasn’t getting over 60%. I started doing mouth taping at nite and I’m consistently been getting sleep/recovery scores in the mid 90s
@yeswin Been using a Whoop for about 4 years now, has made a massive difference in my sleep quality. The mouth tape is helping me breathe through my nose instead of mouth breathing all nite. I tried the Hostage Tape and like it but it’s pretty much just KT tape which I already have a ton of so I just cut that to fit.
@nike005 I just bought some that has a teeny opening that would allow you to get air through your mouth in case you panic. I just started about a week ago, and my morning headache is nearly gone.
@nike005 Nope, KT tape is fairly porous, it just helps keep my mouth shut. I’ve had 3 nose surgeries in the last year to fix a lifetimes worth of broken noses. When I went in for the first consult I was only at 50% nasal capacity, just under 80% now.
@yeswin Diet! Not going insane with it but actually just being very mindful of what you eat and what it means in terms of nutrition.

You should be eating a bunch of protein, reduce the amount of empty calories (sodas, alcohol or whatever) and stop going super hard on carbs and saturated fats. Just knowing what you eat and not being too ignorant about it is a key factor in my opinion.
@yeswin Even if you can’t clean up your diet, you should at least prioritize protein. This means you should track your protein intake and make sure you hit your protein goals most of the time. I aim for 1g protein per lb body weight, knowing I won’t always hit that goal, but it is what I’m aiming for. Some people say 0.8 g protein per lb of lb of body weight is enough, and that may be the case. I think the exact number of grams is less important than just being cognizant of how much you’re consuming. It’s really easy to go through a day eating nothing but fat and carbs.

I would also workout more. Three days a week is not enough. Aim for 4-5 days a week.
@yeswin I'd say cutting back on added sugars would be a good choice as a new habit. Cut out ice cream and candy as a dessert. Pick the lower sugar options for any foods/ingredients. Cut out sodas and bring in carbonated waters.