(mostly) bodyweight workout help?


New member
So I've been looking to refine my workout routine for a while now, but need some second opinions. For some context, I'm 16M, at about 125 lbs (56 kg) at 5' 9" (175 cm). I have a door frame pull up bar and a dip bar, and can use a backpack with stuff as weights. My main goals consist of gaining muscle, especially biceps, triceps, forearms, and shoulders. I cover legs by biking about 12 miles daily, so I don't have to worry about that. I have a pull day, push day, rest day split, and am just looking for what exercises I should move around/add to better suit my goals. I'd also appreciate any advice on a pull exercise for forearms that I can do, as well as what weight to use, as I've just made this routine and used to do purely bodyweight.

Mon - Pull, Tue - Push, Wed - Rest, Thu - Pull, Fri - Push, Sat/Sun - Rest

2:30 minute rest between sets


pull-ups (3 x 5-7)

chin-ups (3 x 5-7)

bodyweight rows (3 x 8-10)

bicep curls (3 x 8-12)

something for forearms with either bodyweight/free weights??


dips (3 x 10-12)

decline push-ups (3 x 8-10)

pike push-ups (3 x 4-6)

shoulder press (3 x 8-12)

tricep extensions (3 x 8-12)
@preciousklay It's great to see that you have a structured workout routine and clear goals for muscle gain. Your split between pull and push days, along with incorporating exercises for different muscle groups, is a good foundation. Here are some suggestions and adjustments to help you refine your workout routine to target your specific goals:

**Pull Day:**

1. **Pull-ups (3 x 5-7):** Pull-ups are an excellent compound exercise that targets your back, biceps, and forearms. If you want to focus more on biceps, you can try variations like chin-ups or close-grip pull-ups to emphasize the biceps.

2. **Chin-ups (3 x 5-7):** Chin-ups target the biceps and back muscles. You can continue to include chin-ups in your routine for bicep development.

3. **Bodyweight Rows (3 x 8-10):** Bodyweight rows are great for working the back muscles. To target the forearms more, focus on maintaining a strong grip and control throughout the movement.

4. **Bicep Curls (3 x 8-12):** Bicep curls are a classic bicep isolation exercise. You can consider incorporating different variations such as hammer curls or reverse curls to target different parts of the biceps and forearms.

5. **Forearm Exercise:** For forearms, you can add exercises like wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, or farmer's walks with weights. Using a backpack with weighted objects or a towel for grip strength can be effective for forearm development.

**Push Day:**

1. **Dips (3 x 10-12):** Dips are a fantastic compound exercise for the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Focus on maintaining proper form and control throughout the movement.

2. **Decline Push-ups (3 x 8-10):** Decline push-ups target the upper chest and shoulders. You can continue to include this variation for shoulder development.

3. **Pike Push-ups (3 x 4-6):** Pike push-ups are a great bodyweight exercise for the shoulders. You can progress to handstand push-ups as you build strength.

4. **Shoulder Press (3 x 8-12):** Shoulder presses are excellent for targeting the shoulder muscles. You can use your backpack with weighted objects as resistance for this exercise.

5. **Tricep Extensions (3 x 8-12):** Tricep extensions help target the triceps. You can perform overhead tricep extensions or tricep dips for variety.

**Additional Tips:**

- Focus on progressive overload by gradually increasing the weight or intensity of your exercises as you get stronger.

- Ensure you have proper nutrition to support muscle growth and recovery.

- Prioritize rest and recovery to allow your muscles to repair and grow.

- Stay hydrated and listen to your body for signs of fatigue or overtraining.

By incorporating these adjustments and exercises, you can further target your biceps, triceps, forearms, and shoulders to meet your muscle gain goals. Remember to continue to adjust your routine based on your progress and listen to your body's feedback.

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