teen girl intimidated by mostly-male strength training class

@jrsinct Good on you!

The only thing I’d watch out for are bonehead instructors, I had one guy explain a posture by telling everyone to crouch down in “football stance.” Yeah all my years of pee wee football...
@jrsinct Nothing to add to what has already been said but from a 30 year old woman, I admire you! I didn’t have the guts to start weights until mid-20s because I felt intimated by the thought of being in the weights room.
@jrsinct If they noticed you, it’s only because you’re new. Just keep at it. Like anything else, you will get used to them and the class and it will all be good!
@jrsinct Hey there! This was me about 20 years ago- at the time I was 5’2 and 92 lbs. I was required to take a weight training class by some accident of registration and I was totally intimidated. Kudos to you for signing up on your own volition.

It was one of the best things that I’ve ever done, fitnesswise. I could barely bench press the bar when I started, the other few girls were way stronger than me, and so on. I went on to be one of the few women I know who are pretty comfortable around weights and machines.

If anything, I think the jocks who would normally never speak to me were kind of impressed that I chose to show up there at all.