My 5 pull ups

@ortiz1983 Hi sorry for the late reply. Pre pregnancy I think I was able to do about 3. At that time I was already lifting and doing Muay Thai so that contributed a bit. Post partum I didn't train but somehow could do 2 at a whim. I looked at my lifts and realized I was doing quite a bit of flys, side lateral raises and barbell rows, hammer curls, millitary presses, hanging leg raises and lat pulldowns. I think those helped with pull up movements. From then I decided to train for it. In the past I have used assisted bands but found they are of not much use. Negatives work better for me. So after doing 2 I will continue another 1-2 negatives. Afterwards I found the 20 pull up program and train along with it, 3 times a week. It's a form of pyramid training.
@meteorstorm Yaaas girl!! I’ve been working hard towards my first chin up this whole year, really hoping I can make it before the end of the year! I’ve been doing Marianne Kane’s Pull Up Academy and I really love it, both as a progression towards the pull up and as my general full body workout.

Good luck getting to your goal!! You’ve got this.
@shillman Hey thank you! You got this as well! Lets us move towards the goal. If I succeed I will post again. To be honest, even 6 clean pull ups now will make me very happy.
@meteorstorm You have really good form too! :D congratulations! I also have pull up goals. I’m trying to get 3x10 pull ups because that’s the goal my MMA coach gives to all the guys. The best i got was 10 6 1 it drops off really fast hahah! I don’t have a program or anything though, we just do 30 pull ups however we can. Even if they’re 1 at a time with rests or even jumping up and holding yourself up if you’re too tired to even do a pull up, as long as we do 30 somehow
@dayna Thank you! I heard that good form can help push out one final pull that's why I try to have good form!

You are my goals too! I hope to reach 10 one day too. But first I focus on 8 :) And yep I'm also begining to try to get some in after some heavy lifting and am surprised I can do 5 again? I managed to get 6 clean ones yesterday.