Stuck at 4-6 pull-ups for months

@jabba1495 I trained to be able to do about 23 pull ups at my max. I suggest adding weight after you can do 8 good ones. In the meantime you should aim for 3 sets of 10 but once you can’t do them strictly, jump up and control the way down as slow as possible all the way down. Remember to breathe!
@jabba1495 I progressed from 2 half assed pull ups to 9 clean reps very quickly by focusing on negatives and bodyweight rows. Negatives help you to build strength in the top part of the movement especially and rows will help you get strong in ‘pulling’ your bodyweight even though they don’t necessarily work the lats a lot.
@jabba1495 Lots of great advice here. There's certainly more than one way to skin a cat. Another method of increasing reps to an extent is the grease the groove method. It involves just doing a couple pullups periodically throughout the day. Make sure you're never getting close to failure. You end up getting a lot of volume over the day without the same kind of fatigue you get from training to failure over and over again. That helped me break through my plateau when I was at less than 10 rep max. Once I got over that, I switched to weighted pulllups to help get me past my next plateau because greasing the groove stopped being effective for me.
@jabba1495 Drop your training frequency to once a week of Weighted pull-ups for sets of 3-5 and switch your grip when you struggle to a neutral grip.

You’ll be able to hit rep out 10 easily by the time you get to 45lbs since you’ve trained your CNS and your body will feel light in comparison.

I did this and was able to do muscle ups as a byproduct. (I was bodybuilding at the time)
@jabba1495 I can honestly do 30 pull ups rn in one go I done calisthenics last year and that’s all I did and it got to a point where I was t growing until I learned a trick. Negatives. I would do 20-30 before burning out and then I would jump off the floor get my head above the bar and very slowly control myself down and within a month I was able to add +10 pull up. I quit after that month.
@jabba1495 If you can do 6, try the recon ron pullup program. A few friends and I did it. I was already able to do 20, so I added weight and started at week 1 with them. I made it to like week 15 with them, everybody progressed to being able to do 15. Turns out the weight helped me achieve a 1 arm pullup.

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