My box is setting up an “800 g Challenge”. Any anecdotes about participating or info about effects?


New member
Overview of the 800 g challenge is here:

Basically, the premise is to eat 800 g of fruits and vegetables each day for 30 days—no other dietary limitations.

A little googling turns up that this originated in the CrossFit world and that a bunch of gyms have enthusiastically promoted starting such a challenge. No info that I can find about how participants found the experience or addresses whether this leads to any positive impacts.
@starrysunsets I think it was fine. I just got tired of that the amount. I don't think it's harmful. Like any eating plan, it keeps you very focused on what you eat so you don't think that piece of chocolate cake is ok to eat.
@starrysunsets Our box just finished. Major consensus was 800g of veggies make you fart... a lot!
Also, they fill you up that you really don’t have an appetite for much else. I would fill a container with 800g and I was finding that was all I was eating most days and felt full.
@sagat4 Not a surprise, lol! Note to self, prop the door open during squats.

Did you feel like you experienced any health or performance benefits? A month isn't too terribly a long time, but I'm curious. Are you planning to keep it up?
@starrysunsets I was hoping to notice something, but I didn’t. Others said they slept better and had more energy but I felt about the same as before. I lost a bit of weight because I was eating fruits and veggies instead of chips and popcorn at night.
@sagat4 Thanks for the update. I feel like there is a lot of "obviously this must be good for you!" cheerleading, but it's hard to find data, or even testimonials to that effect.
@starrysunsets The nutritionist who designed this challenge is one of the most educated I’ve ever listened to. It is a great program - especially if you struggle with over eating or are trying to lose weight. It is extremely easy, and not restrictive. You only have to worry about making sure you eat the goal, and once you have, you feel full in a good way. Satiated daily.

A lot of people balk at the simplicity but in essence this ensures you get so many essential nutrients it really is better for you as well. For reason beyond fiber. Eat the rainbow and get 800 in a day and you really do feel better.

Look up “optimize me nutrition” and you’ll find a lot of good stuff from her.
@nessofonett05 I listened to an interview/podcast with her. It's hard to argue against eating vegetables... but eating vegetables to the practical exclusion of all else sounds just as "gimmicky" to me as any of the other diets they were criticizing.

Is your statement that "you really do feel better" from experience with this diet?
but eating vegetables to the practical exclusion of all else

But this is hardly the case. 800g of vegetables is ~500 calories (obviously depending on the vegetables). Still plenty of space for other foods.

eg. a medium banana weighs 120g. a medium apple weighs 120g. 1/4 head of cauliflower is 210g. 20 baby carrots is ~300g. Orange is ~120g. If you eat that you've smashed the goal, and it's not nearly enough food for an adult.
@starrysunsets Yes - I have done this challenge and it was effective. I have done it while gaining and losing weight.

You essentially just eat more real food and vegetables. This improved my digestion and, not to be graphic, but made my pooping schedule better than just supplementing with fiber.

There is no prescribed exclusion here of other food. You just eat your chicken/beef/eggs whatever with a side of loads of vegetables and fruits. If anything you feel less inclined to overeat grains and refined carbs which is overall a good experience. Ymmv. You definitely will tend to make "better" choices on this program if you are anything like me.
@starrysunsets My regular diet consists of well over 800g of veggies a day, maybe 200g of fruit Max.
It makes staying full significantly easier during the day and minimizes unnecessary and unplanned snacking.
On days I don’t eat as much or when I’m vacation I notice how awful I feel compared to when I do. Just make sure not to go wild on fruit, and your first few days will def give you gas and righteous poops.