For those of you who don’t belong to a traditional box..

@trustlove147 Been on the Linchpin private track for 3yrs now. Absolutely love it. I've moved to working out in my garage with limited equipment. Slowly adding to it though. Have a set of rings hanging from the tree out front as my pull-up bar, barbell, dumbbells, some plates & couple of other little things like abmats. Pat's programming is easy to modify to what you have. There's the normal workout, a Limited Equipment Option (pair of DBs, jump rope, pull-up bar and rings to hang from pull-up bar) and even a No Equipment Option. Watching the daily workout videos is also like getting an informal education on programming. You'll no problem scaling/adjusting workouts to meet your abilities or equipment.
@trustlove147 Given I have a lot of experience and even a fitness related college education. But I’ve trained in my garage the entire time I’ve done CrossFit.

I follow strength programs and do 2-3 metcons a week. If I’m training for a competition I ramp it up.

I keep a notebook full of WODs and pretty much rotate through the notebook and do every WOD roughly once a year. (Sometimes a WOD sucks and I never do it again 😂)
@jessicaterra Lol! I feel ya. There have been some WODs I haven’t been a fan of. My training mirrors yours in that I usually start with a couple core lifts and a WOD that follows. I’m doing about 5 WODs a week and loving it.
@afirstbornson Lol. Can confirm the funny looks as most of the people in my gym are more into bodybuilding. I train for me and me only, however, you would surprised at the amount of people who ask me what I do and the looks are usually because they’re impressed lol.
@trustlove147 I follow the Cronus fit programs. I’m in the military so those programs are perfect for that but I often times have to change the workouts slightly due to being at a commercial gym so some equipment and lack of room gets in the way
@trustlove147 My wife and I have a garage gym and we follow Pat Sherwood’s programming of CrossFit Linchpin. $10/month and it includes a BTWB subscription, daily videos of all the movements, etc.

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