My first DEXA scan results with photos! [28F/5'2''/108 lbs/27.3% body fat]

@dawn16 Chelsea Diagnostic Radiology does it, for 150 bucks, I believe. I was thinking about trying it but if OP IS 27% (shocking!) then there is no hope for me! ;)
@lauriane13 Thanks! Yeahh.. I'm pretty sure I'll be super sad by the number I end up getting, but I really want to get a baseline! I only started lifting like a month ago, it'd be awesome to see how things change :)
@dawn16 If you ever find a place would you mind posting about it or something? I can't find anywhere either (also live in NYC). I know there's a place that does hydrostatic testing, but I'm not sure whether I'm desperate enough to spend $300 for that...
@jane123 I will, don't worry. $300 would be bonkers, especially considering the margin of error. And if you're going to be using the data to measure progress (what I'd like to do), you'd have to go back and pay another $300.
@dawn16 That's nuts! I always assume NYC has literally everything.

They just opened a place here that does them... on one hand, I love data and I'm curious. On the other, I don't know that having that number would actually change anything for me, so I don't know whether its worth the cash.
@122r Yeah, if I found a place I'm unsure I'd actually do it. There are things that would actually help me that I'd like to buy first (like a belt), and really, I just ate a whole bag of nuts. A large bag. I don't need a body scan to tell me I don't have visible abs.

I am curious, though.
@amydoodles Thank you for sharing the photos and the article! This is prompting me to do some research readings for patterns in south East Asians. Thanks again :]