My spin instructor made me cry!

@afmtv I mean, it’s a general fitness sub. Like if you want to get specific go to a specific sub. Idk what you want to see here.
@beneathgreyblues I agree, but I’m going to ask management if they could put some kind of label on the class. If I had known that was the type of class it was, I would have never gone and avoided this situation entirely.
@cepha im a personal trainer & this is unacceptable.

ive NEVER understood the whole shtick of yelling at your clients & basically bullying them into training hard? how about ENCOURAGE them & positively reinforce them?
@cepha Jesus christ i would have cried too. I am so bad with conflict from a pretty bad (but not horrible) childhood full of yelling and some neglect later on as a teen (when mum ditched us for her new abusive boyfriend) which has made me retreat internally, have serious trust issues and anxious cry. That gym needs to let people know before they go in about the tone of that class.
@cepha Fuck that! to bad everyone didn't just stop their bikes and walk out of her awful class. And then write detailed emails to the facilities about the situation. You are there by choice, not because you have to, I'm surprised others attend her class.
@cepha Wow when I saw your title and the beginning of your post I thought it was going to be happy tears because the instructor supported you so much!

I'm so sad that she was so mean! I hope you never have to go back to a class she is running! I've done some group classes (mainly bodypump) and most of the instructors were amazingly positive like the beginning of your post! And I always felt good after their classes. But you should never feel that worse mentally after a workout IMO.... So definitely alert someone higher up than her!
@cepha There are ways to be motivating through “tough love” or whatever she might want to claim, but you never single out participants in a negative manner- especially when they’re putting in the effort to be there in the first place.

Good on you for finishing the class, I’m not sure I would’ve had the fortitude.
@cepha What the actual fuck. Me being irrational, I would've immediately left that class and complained to management. I applaud you for continuing in class and keeping your emotions stable in this shit class. That must have been really hard to do while cycling your ass off. You're a strong woman!
@cepha That’s awful. I am a spin instructor and I would never treat participants that way. Please report them, that is not a good look for any gym.
@cepha Had an instructor like this once. This was a very popular gym and many of us were regulars who had been going for years.

We got a new guy in and his favorite thing to do was mock people.

We'd be doing a class and it'd be time for a run around the room. Then he would call out "run Forrest!" to some guy who was running.

Then he found out one of the girls was named Anna. Every time she was running past him he would yell out "Go Anna!" and laugh. (Goanna. This was in Australia...)

There was other stuff I've forgotten. Basically his whole lesson was a series of mocks at various people in the class.

Complaints were made. The guy seemed bewildered. Apparently he genuinely thought he was being funny and encouraging. No-one else did. (How is "run Forrest!" encouraging???)
@cepha She sounds like a dick, I understand the boot camp like instructor.. but to put down and berate your class is an asshole move...A good ass kicking instructor knows how to motivate and push you but also allows you to recover and go at your own pace.
@cepha I’m so sorry that happened to you, what an unprofessional cow bag! I probably would’ve stormed out half way through so good for you for sticking it out the whole class.

Seconding others here, report her to management.
@cepha The one and only spin class I ever did I hated because I got yelled at and singled out for not being able to keep up. It was horrible, i wish people would understand that that’s not motivating for a lot of people. It’s completely turned me off from ever trying a class again
@cepha Wow. I'm sorry you went through this. It's been a long time since I've gone to a fitness class (thanks, COVID!), but I know that any decent instructor will tell their students that it's okay to take baby breaks here and there and will be positive and encouraging. I used to go to barre3 studios, and the instructors always remind us that this is our time and to focus on our own bodies. They have modifications if we have trouble with a move.

This woman was utterly unprofessional. I would complain to the spin studio about her and mention the nasty woman on the bike next to her. Whoever she is, she shouldn't be yelling at the students.
@zedaclaire I hate when people yell at me or try the tough love motivation approach. I have a really hard time listening to my body as it is, and those people lead to me ignoring what it says and ultimately to injury. I never understood how people felt good after sports because I always overdid it, got a headache and vertigo.
@cepha Wow, that sounds like actual hell. I would HATE this and leave feeling soooo stressed. I get there are some "edgy" fitness studios (I attended a yoga class with a cult-like leader who swore at everyone once)... but if the other instructors are positive/motivational, it doesn't really seem to fit the bill of the gym.